Sunday, June 23, 2013

If You Think Racism Is Dead In America-Part 2

You are either a Fool or a Racist.

First of all in the interest of full disclosure, I would like to just point out that as Human Beings, we all, (Me Included), have our Biases, Prejudices and Racists Attitudes towards people who are different from us.

But it is the people that can overcome these Negative Human Characteristics and reach out to people who are different; who can establish deep and meaningful relationships with all kinds of people which I find to be very educational and rewarding.

This is why I don’t act out my feelings toward the objects of my disdain unless they validate what I am thinking or feeling about them-or if they act out their disdain for me in an aggressive manner that threatens my Health, Safety and life, or that of the people whom I love, cherish and protect in life.

And I say all of that to say this:

Paula Deen being racist is something that I have known for quite some time.


I used those Human Biases, Prejudices and Racists Attitudes that I mentioned above, combined them with Paula Deen’s Demographics and did what a multitude of Pure Racists in America do against Black People every day:

I created a Racial Profile of this woman based on her Geographical Location, Her Age and my Memory of the types of people that Dehumanized me and others like me in my childhood years, my teen years and in adulthood.

So her behavior towards Blacks, (including Oprah) on camera really did not change my mind, because she gets paid well to behave in that manner on camera.

The things that are honestly in a person’s heart are the things that they do not do for financial or other rewards; but they do them because they know that they are the right things to do.

I always dig a little deeper than that; especially when I am watching the news.

Because behind the polished public presentations lies the truth.

So when I heard a few months ago that Paula Deen was using racial slurs against The President and her Black Employees, acting like the Tea bagger that I thought she was; I just said that I believe it, and that these alleged charges filed against Paula Deen by an employee about how she treats African American People who are employees and in general-I felt absolutely validated.

But I must admit that I was knocked off my feet when I found out this week that the person filing those charges against Paula was a White Employee.

To me this is an indication of how bad the racism on her part must have been. It was so bad that a White Employee was offended by it.

Last week before the Paula Deen Racist Scandal became a matter of public record, a GOP Representative in Illinois; Jim Allen stepped down as Mongomery County Republican Party chairman because he sent out an email in which he attacked former Miss America and GOP Congressional Candidate Erika Harold, and oops! That email was published in a publication from his own Republican Party’s Republican News.

So why did this man resign his position as GOP Chairman?

Check his remarks below to find out why:

"Rodney Davis will win and the love child of the D.N.C. will be back in Shitcago by May of 2014 working for some law firm that needs to meet their quota for minority hires," Allen wrote. "The little queen touts her abstinence and she won the crown because she got bullied in school,,, are cruel, life sucks and you move on.. Now, miss queen is being used like a street walker and her pimps are the DEMOCRAT PARTY and RINO REPUBLICANS."

Because the email was filled with Hateful, Racists, Sexists Comments against Ms. Harold of the kind that America is fighting hard to move away from.

Illinois Republican Party Chairman Jack Dorgan, who called the email "offensive and inappropriate," accepted Allen's resignation on Thursday.

What the hell happened to the Republicans Plan of Inclusion?

I told you that this “Plan of Inclusion” was Bullshit all the long designed to win elections, which once again is Superficial Bullshit.

“Let’s change the message and keep our Same Hateful, Sexists, Racists Policies that hurt the Poor, Minorities and Woman, and lie to make it look like we are changing”.

This is how they think about everyone else who are not like them.

However next week, you will most likely hear these same kinds of Racist, Sexists and Hateful Remarks from another Republican who will do just like Paula Deen is doing now, (which is insulting the intelligence of the African American Race and People of all races who are interested in a Fairer more Peaceful and Tolerant America by saying ),“That’s Not What I Meant”.

I truly do believe in forgiveness for mistakes, because as human beings we all make them.

However, most people are forgiven, (in time); because for human beings, forgiveness is a process that takes time, and very few people are forgiven and restored until they face some consequences for their actions; not just a superficial apology to the victims of your offense because you have realized that you have severally damaged your brand and reputation and as a result your income.

As a matter of fact, it has been my experience that until a person personally suffers for the wrong things that they have done to others, they will not change until they experience pain themselves.

Because true change in attitude and direction comes from the heart and not from the mouth.

And it is very hard to Teach An Old Dog A New Trick.

Paula Deen has not changed overnight just like that.

She only wants those who are in her ass right now to believe that she has.

Now I can relate to Ms. Deen’s Traumatic Experience of working in a bank and having a black man put a gun to her head. And I can truly understand how that could makes her feel about all black people, because I experience similar feelings about the White Assholes who live to the left of me in my neighborhood, but when I feel that way about all White People, I just have to focus on the White People who live to the left of me in the other section of the development and remember how good they have been as neighbors from day one of me living here.

I also have to remind myself of all of the Positive Experiences that I’ve had in the distant and recent past with White People and how much they contributed to the Civil Rights Movement in America alongside Black Americans who were being treated like they were less than animals.

So I know how much of a struggle it is to not classify a particular group of human beings into one negative category because we personally have one or more negative experiences with people from the group.

However, to get on with life and continue to experience beautiful relationships with individuals that you are comfortable and safe with; you have to.

This is relatively easy for people who are just suffering from the effects of a negative experience alone, but not so easy for those who love to hate.

Now I agree with those who say that people should not lose their jobs because of the things that they say, since this is America and we are entitled to “Free Speech”, but as a corporation whose primary purpose is to generate profits, if you foolishly use your “Freedom of Speech” to promote something that is going to cause them to lose money, (especially if you know that doing so is against company policy), then you have to deal with the consequences of your actions.

Since the Food Network has a large portion of Black Viewers, then it only makes good business sense that they kick Paula Deen’s Ass to the curb.

And finally, for all the Black Youth of America who think that Racism is dead in America because they wish that it was or because they hope that it is-It Ain’t.

So don’t ignore the fact that Racism Is Alive And Well In America; because then you will be fooled into believing that you don’t have to fight the eternal fight in your time to extinguish this hatred in America and around the world.

This will cause you to lose your motivation to work towards a planet where this hatred is no longer acceptable, which is the direction that America is currently trying to head in as indicated by all of the recent events where the people who tried to perpetuate this hatred has paid a price for doing so.

However, this progress was not free and it didn’t come cheap.

Many people had to suffer and die to get us to where we are as a nation in their time, and generation after generation.

Now these Civil Rights Leaders are either dead or tired.

So now it is your turn and responsibility to make this country and this world a better place. And you can’t do that if you deny that a problem that is real is not.

Need Further Proof of Racism in America?

Click the link below to see some more examples:

Racist Remarks Made By Politicians

The Struggle Continues!

Keep Fighting The Good Fight………


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