Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The State of the Union

Are you better off now then you were 4 years ago?

Maybe your situation personally has not improved, (I know mine’s has not).

However, I just want to inform all those who are in touch with reality of the fact that America is now in a far better place than it was under the previous Administration, and is headed in a direction away from total destruction instead of deeper into it.

And this means that even if your situation is not currently ideal or preferable, at least the conditions in this country are becoming more conducive to giving you a better opportunity to make your life what you want it to be, no matter what your name is, where you are from, your gender, your religious beliefs, your skin color or who you love.

Have we arrived at the destination of “A Perfect Union”?


Will we ever?

Probably not!

Perfection is virtually impossible in a world inhabited by imperfect beings.

However, consistent small steps forward are far better than a swift decent into destruction which is where I truly believe we were heading 8 years ago, and now this is where the Rightwing/Tea party Extremist want to take us back to.

I have no intentions on going back to the places in history where we as a nation fought so hard to move away from.

How about you?

Even though perfection is virtually impossible, excellence is within our reach.

And the consistent small steps that we take on the road to excellence can and will lead us to a More Perfect Union.

So please tune into tonight’s State of the Union Address and listen intently to the president’s report on America, and determine how it will affect you personally now, and in the future.

And then log in online for the President's Special Online Call at 10:00PM immediately following the State of the Union Address.

Register for the call here:

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