Monday, January 28, 2013

Do Not Be Deceived By Republican Makeovers

As we watch the Republican Party scrambling to Revamp, Repair and Renew their “Brand” by reaching out to the Latino Community, Ignoring their Indifference to Black People, Concealing their will to control the Bodies, Minds and Souls of Woman, Downplaying their disdain for Gay People and imposing their theories of Economic Austerity on the American People, which is supposedly designed to strengthen the American Economy, which they talk about, (without mentioning the fact that these same principals are currently destroying the Economy of several European Countries), it is important that we keep this one indisputable fact in mind:

The reasons why a person, group, company or organization does anything, is just as important and consequential as what they are doing.

The Republican Party has not changed in any significant and meaningful way that would benefit America as a whole since their major loss of 2012.

They also have not changed from the party that they were when Richard Nixon was president, and he decided to create a “Southern Strategy” that involved stoking fear and hatred in Southern White People against Black People, because Republicans made a calculated decision to exclude the participation of African Americans in their Lilly White Male Party.

They simply theorized that they did not need Black People and they did not want their votes.

That was then, but this is now!

The Demographics in this country are changing for the better and to the advantage of all Americans; and the Republican Party is now afraid that they will become extinct as a result; especially after the last election in which the American People made it very clear that they wanted the America that President Obama envisioned as opposed to the America that the Republicans wanted to create.

The desire to unite the United States of America and to distribute Freedom, Justice and Equality among all Americans is not the driving force behind their Superficial Makeovers.

They are simply trying once again to deceive the American People into reelecting them to power, and then once they regain power, they will continue to ignore the will of the American People and do what they want to do that benefit them and their Rich and Racist Constituents.

So as you watch the Republicans try to do what they did in 2010, which was to lie to the American People about the jobs they would work so hard to create if elected; (a promise which they have yet to deliver on); (I’ll spare you the list of things, including vicious and unjustified attacks against the Obama Administration); because I am assuming that you are already aware of their Track Record.

But let me just quickly say this:

A snake is a snake.

A leopard never changes their spots.

And! SHIT repackaged still stinks.

They are not concerned with our survival.

They are concerned with theirs.

Do not be deceived by Republican Makeovers.

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