Friday, September 10, 2010

Turn Left From Evil

Tomorrow is the 9th Anniversary of the attacks on 911. Tomorrow, there will be no black, no white, no red, no blue, no Democrats, no Republicans, no Independents, no Christians, no Jews, no Catholics, no Muslims, and of course, in the True America, there is never enough room for, Tea-Partiers, Skin Heads, KKK, Patriots, Nazis, Conservatives, and other assorted racists, (who by any other name are still racists), and no Self Righteous Religious Zealots.

But that’s tomorrow!

But for now, these Fucking Republican Son’s of Bitches, don’t care if, people who are unemployed, have unemployment insurance to take care of their families in between jobs, if People who are sick get healthcare, or that the people who paid for health insurance can utilize their health insurance when they get sick, that average working people who work hard can get a damn break on their taxes. But yet! They can see that the BP’s, The Exxon’s, The Large Pharmaceutical Companies, Wall street, The Banking Industry, and other Major Corporations and CEO’s in America, along with the top 2% of wealthy people in this country; need to be removed from their offices.

These people are racists, who are playing with the health, the incomes, the families and the lives of the American People, because they hate the 44th President of the United States, who just happens to be multiracial, identified as African American.

They will do anything. And I do mean, (anything that they can get away with to hurt this president), even if it hurts America, including those that they pretend to represent and care about, who support and follow them.

Remember! People who will do anything, or say anything to obtain power, will do anything or say anything to keep it.

If you don’t like what you see before they obtain power, than you will really be pissed off about what they will do once they get it.

Turn left from evil.

This November Vote Democratic to keep moving forward.

Midterm, Elections, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Tea Party, Democracy, America, Equality, Fairness, 2012

One Nation March,Washington, DC, October 2, 2010

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