Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Oh The Hypocrisy Of These Old White Man In The Republican Party

It is not amazing.

It is not a great mystery.

It is absolutely nothing new.

It is simply a group of people who are terrified at the fact that people who were once viewed as and treated as sub human beings are now rising to positions in power, thus jeopardizing their privileges as white supremacist.

As a matter of fact, it is just the same old rotten meat, being rapped up in a different kind of paper, and sold by the racists in the Republican Party, who I watched hypocritically questioning the impartiality of Judge Sonia Sotomayor

These ignorant racist in suits, who have been privileged since this country first began, because of the fact that they have been playing the game of life with a deck of cards that have been stacked in their favor, are now questioning the impartiality of Judge Sotomayor, because of some, “biased”, let’s just stop dancing around the word, and just say it, “racist” statements that she had supposedly made in the past.

What she said is based on her personal observations and experiences, just like the statements and actions and rulings that have been made by the many white man who came before her.

And after a track record of unevenness, unfairness, and just plain racial, class, and sexual discrimination, these same old white man who have used their personal points of views, opinions, and prejudices to make decisions that made certain segments of society 2nd. & 3rd. class citizens in a country where everyone is supposed to have the benefit of equality on their side, are now crying foul because of statements and rulings that were made by Judge Sotomayor.

Isn’t it funny how the very same men who would deny so many men, woman, and children who are not like them the opportunity to be free and equal, are now pointing a racist finger at a woman who has been proven to be a moderate, and who has made decisions that have been consistent with those made by the mainstream judicial system in spite of her personal views.

It is important for all fair-minded people in America to know that these accusations are not based on facts, but are based on the same standards of “as long as it benefits me and people like me, then anything goes”. However, if it does not benefit me, or those who are like me, then nothing goes”.

The questioning process is not at issue here; they are absolutely necessary for Sotomayor’s Confirmation Hearing.

This is a part of the process.

However, to the many of the Racist In Suits that make up the Republican Party, (and some in the Democratic Party as well), this is simply an attempt to continue to keep people of color out of positions of power, because of the fears that they (as old corrupt white man) have developed after years of hatred, institutionalized racism, and their many acts of injustices, both public and private that they have imposed upon people who they consider to be lesser human beings than themselves.

If personal opinions did not matter on the Supreme Court, then there would not be a need to have 9 judges on the bench.

They could save the taxpayers in this country a lot of money by just letting one judge make all of the decisions.

Why do they have 9 different judges?

It’s because every judge on the Supreme Court Bench has a different opinion, a different point of view, and a different method of deliberation.

And where do these differences come from?

They come from the fact that the judges of the Supreme Court are human, and their decisions are based on their backgrounds, their upbringings, their opinions, their fears, their prejudices, and everything else that is positive or negative about them as a result of being human.

Nine judges are required to balance all of those variables so that a legal decision can accurately be made based on the law as determined by consensus.

So to hear someone like Senator Jeff Sessions, who is known to have and acted upon his tendencies towards racism drilling Judge Sotomayor, and questioning her ability to make sound legal decision that are not based on personal opinions, prejudices or biases for one group over another is ludicrous.


Sessions and many of the other racists in suits who mirror him in the Republican Party, are not interested in truth or justice, they are just interested in maintaining the status quo that has benefited them for so long. And by accusing this woman of being what they are, which is racists, they hope to undermine the nomination of another person of color, because this is what they have done for so long, this is what they are doing now, and this is what they will continue to do, as long as we continue to allow them to.

I know that many of these racists do not want to admit it but, the times have changed, and the tides have changed.

And after over two hundred years of riding the waves of racism into positions of strength, power, and wealth, they are now desperately clinging on to the last vestige of white supremacy and white privilege.

They are not really concerned with activist judges, because as I said before, there have been nothing but activist judges on the Supreme Court since it’s formation in 1790, who have made decisions that, either did not benefit people of color or ignored the human injustices that have been inflicted upon people of color for centuries.

Now who in their right minds would believe that all of these acts, or failures to act for human justice in 209 years were not based on biases, prejudices, personal opinions, personal points of views, and these people’s backgrounds and upbringings?

Only a racist would deny that the Supreme Court has been a “Good Ole Boys Club” for hundreds of years before a Black Man, or a Woman, another Black Man (who is whiter then most white man), and now the first Female Latino Woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court.

If the law were truly not based on human emotions and judgments, then there would not be so many firsts at lasts in this damn country.

These first, would have come way before they did.

There was some bias in the law somewhere for all those years.

Cut the crap!

Judge Sotomayor will be the First Latino Judge to be appointed to the Supreme Court in its 209-year history.


Because in spite of the fact that she has human emotions, opinions biases, and other human elements in her character, just like the many white man have had for so long; she is definitely qualified for the position in every way that the white man have been.

And one more thing, I know that your greatest fear is that her love for her people may influence her to do some positive things for her people.

Well! Gentleman, you all have been doing things for your people since the country began, even to the detriment of all other people, so get the hell over it.

Welcome the First Latino, (Highly Qualified), Judge to the Supreme Court:

Justice Sonia Sotomayor.


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