Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thank You Meghan McCain

I would like to take a moment to do something that I don’t normally do.

And the reason that I don’t normally do this is because there is usually no reason for me, or any other forward thinking humanitarian who cares about all of the people in this country and on this planet to do so.

However, I think that gratitude and respect should be given to Meghan McCain, (A Republican), who is currently under vicious attacks from the Right Wing Political Extremist in this country, (namely Racist Idiot, Laura Ingraham) for just making sense.

It is very telling when you see that anyone who is a member of the Republican Party who speaks out against divisiveness, exclusiveness, blind extremism, and who speaks for love, respect and consideration of other people who may not be just like you, or who may have a more open and broader point of view of the world as opposed to the limited staunch robotic point of view which is shared by 99.9% of the Republican Base, brings forth these types of vicious attacks that are now being launched against Meghan McCain, simply because she is speaking the truth.

The attacks against Ms. McCain have been brought on simply because she has made the true observation that extremism on any side of the political spectrum (Right or Left), can be very dangerous to the health, happiness and safety of all Americans, and that the people who are responsible for encouraging the idiots who feast on this type of hatred should be trying to tone it down a little and move to a more moderate position that would allow for a more open dialogue between people of differing points of view.

This will also minimize the risk of violence on a national scale.

She is simply promoting behavior that will create a better country for the majority of our citizens as opposed to what the republicans have been trying to create for 35 years, which is a separate society that caters only to the rich and the powerful, the poor whites who wish they were, (with a very few ignorant blacks with identity crises thrown in), and the foreigners who are new to this country and want so much to be a part of what they think is “Mainstream America”.

This all began when Meghan McCain accurately pointed out the dangerous and idiotic social stands taken by Ann Coulter, and the people who follow her.

This is a woman who lives within herself, in a world where only what she is and who she is can be allowed.

She along with people like Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Bill O’Reilly, and House Nigger Juan Williams, think that people who do not share their beliefs, (political, religious, social or otherwise), should not be allowed to take up space on this earth.

Of course this is bullshit!

But that is what these types of people are all about. And most of them can be found wearing the following labels: “Conservative”, “Republican”, “Right Wing”, or “Evangelical”.

You see it is all about them and what benefits their little separate country within a country.

It is not about what benefits the rich, poor and middle class. It is about worshiping and imposing the laws of the land on everyone else to keep them from achieving success, but ignoring this devotion to these same laws when they allow them to benefit and profit.


This is not what this country was meant to be, and we know for a fact that it is not, because it is recorded in all of this nation’s precious documents that it is not.

It is supposed to be all about opportunity and equality for all who are willing to do the work, and make the sacrifices necessary to succeed.

And now with the election of Barack Obama as President, the country is moving at a rapid pace towards what it was originally meant to be.

This has outraged many of the people that I mentioned above, and also those who follow them.

And this is why the Republicans are eating their own when one of them tries to take the Republican Party in a new direction from where it is right now, and where it is heading into the future, which is nowhere.

Meghan McCain, and some of the other Progressive Republicans, (including Michael Steel who is about to be crucified), realize that a party that operates on the premise that they are the chosen few, will only have the support and funding from a chosen few, and the disgust of many.

These Progressive Republicans also know that if the Republican Party is to compete and survive, then they must change all of the things that have not been working for them.

But Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, and other political commentators like them, and those who blindly follow them, are people that you can look at and see the hatred and racism on their faces, and you can hear it in their voices with every word that they speak, even when they are trying to disguise racism as something else like “Conservatism” and “Patriotism”, it stills exhibits the strong rancid odor of hatred and racism.

As a child of the 60’s I know the potential danger of these kinds of attitudes and actions towards people who are supposed to be your fellow countryman.

So for Meghan McCain to be able to recognize the potential harm to this country at her young age, as a result of all of the immoral, illegal, untruthful, and destructive behaviors exhibited by the Republicans over the last 35 years, and especially the last 8, is quite an accomplishment considering the fact that she has been exposed to this faulty logic, and corruption all of her life as a member of a republican family.

So I applaud Meghan McCain for having the guts to stand up to a very small and powerful group of idiots who would rather see the country destroyed by a white man, rather then to see a black president succeed.

That takes guts.

And to Laura Ingraham, it is too bad that you still have nothing as far as a plan, a platform, a message, or anything to contribute to our society that would make this Country a better place to live for all Americans, not just for the few of you.

Instead, you want to talk about Meghan McCain’s weight as opposed to speaking about all of the potential dangers that we as Americans are currently facing because of people like you, and the people like you who were put in place by a small group of powerful people in order to benefit a small group of powerful people.

And all of you political geniuses are wondering why the Republican Party is falling apart at the seams, and becoming just a hilarious national joke.

It is because when someone who is on your team like a Meghan McCain, a Michael Steel, or a Colin Powell proposes something new, different and refreshing that would benefit more people, thereby making the party more attractive to more people, which would probably help increase it’s membership; you all try and exile them.

Guess what?

That is where the Republican Party is right now; exiled!

And as a lifetime Democrat, I couldn’t be happier.

However, as a practical, sensible human being, I really don’t care about a person’s race, creed, color, sexual orientation, religion, or political party, as long as they are respectful of me as a human being, and are actively trying to make this country and this planet a better place to live for as many people as possible.

And based on your brave stance for common sense in spite of the fact that you are surrounded by a bunch of egotistical, selfish and hateful idiots, I truly believe that you are such a person.

So I truly want to thank you Meghan for presenting your new progressive non partisan ideas to the Republican Base because you know that those ideas will benefit not only republicans, but will benefit our entire country as a whole.

But watch your back; because you are surrounded by ignorance, fear, hatred, racism, and a group of people that obviously have learning disabilities, who cannot or will not change.


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