Saturday, February 28, 2009

Who Thought The Cartoon Was Just A Cartoon?

In spite of all of the progress that we have made as a nation, there are still a significant number of racists who think that the whole world is 1800’s south. This point of view is based on the success, comfort, and progress of a few ignorant people, who thank GOD, is now a minority.

And they miss this world so much that they will say or do anything to get back to it.

It is not, nor will it ever be back, unless we experience a run on stupid black people who think that these types of insults and attacks on the character of our First African American President, and the people of all races who support the change that he is attempting to bring to this country, is not leading up to something more then just posting a funny cartoon.

There is more to it then just a cartoon or a joke.

Did you hear the one about the new black guy in town?

A black man arrives in a new town and asks a white man,” where do all of the black people hang out round here?”

The white man says, “right over there on that tree.”

Just a joke?

Ha Ha My Ass!

Millions of black human beings were subjected to this cruel and mercilessness death simply because some people had a beef with them for the way that GOD made them.

So to all the ignorant, sleep, uninformed, and socially unwire black people, (and white people), who think that this is just a cartoon, let me just tell you, that somewhere, right now, there is more the one sick racist individual who has taken that cartoon, (which depicted a black monkey being shot to death), a monkey that no doubt represents President Obama, and he or she has internalized this cartoon, and has at least a thought, about doing something stupid to the president, and if he or she thinks about it long enough, this thought will blossom into a plan of action.

And to the many white racists who helped this issue sell out by purchasing as many copies as they could, because they think that it is just a funny cartoon; fine!

Your opinions, thoughts, and actions in support of this racist attack masked in humor, will never be enough to destroy the progress of a nation.

These are the kinds of subliminal messages that the media in this country have used for hundreds of years to control the masses.

This cartoon in no exception.

One thing I do agree with is "Freedom of Speech", so they do have a right to post it, and we do have a right to respond to it, like the majority of the common sense people in this country, (of all races) has done.

I think that we needed to respond to this message of hate as we did.

But I also still maintain that the way that a few racist in high and low places treat us, is not nearly as important as how we as African Americans treat each other.

So to all who are still sleep, and continue to poison our neighborhoods, kill our sisters and brothers, (or anyone who is not a threat to you in any way), disrespect our woman, and neglect our children, you need to be more concerned about that.

Because this will be the true measure of our success or failure as a race of people, not what a few idiotic racist, who will always exists, say or think of us.

It is time for all African Americans, and other races of people who want peace, freedom and equality for the generations to come, to remain alert if you are already alert, or to work hard to become alert if you are not.

Do not let this minority of idiots pull the wool over your eyes, even if they do try to disguise it as a joke.

The old folks used to always say that “many true words are spoken in a joke”’ everyone needs to pay attention.


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