Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What This All Means To Me

As someone who has personally experienced, and who continues to experience racial discrimination at the hands of unsupervised racist who have been given too much power to discriminate at will, in the allocation of resources, services and funds to the disabled citizens of Maryland, namely DORS, (Division of Rehabilitative Services), and their contracted cohorts, RISE, (Reach Independence Through Self Employment), the inauguration of Barack Hussein, (yes that's right Hussein), Obama gives me hope that after 6 years of fighting with these agencies, and filing complaint after complaint, with federal, state, and local officials to no avail, (including the Justice Department in Washington DC), that we will finally have someone in the Whitehouse who will see to it that when guidelines are set and met, rules and regulations are followed to the letter, and that the client, (that is me and other people of color), who have complied with all of this will not have to suffer endlessly because these racist are allowed to lie, cheat, and change the rules at their whim in order to keep African American Clients from receiving the technical, moral, and financial support that they have qualified for, and that there will not be separate qualifications for one segment of society, and another set for others.

In spite of the fact that I have been fighting to obtain funds for my business since 2003, after successfully passing the tests, completing the classes, and following the guidelines set forth by these people, (which they change at will), no one with whom I have filed a complaint with has recognized the fact that it is very strange that none of the African Americans that I attended class with were approved for funding after completing the requirements, and that 2 white clients had meetings set up for them by the instructor of the class with bank officers for funding, weeks before the class had even ended.

I am not the only victim of this kind of obvious discrimination.

There are many people of African American Decent, who have, and continue to experience these kinds of double standards while pursuing services that are supposed to be available to all citizens who meet the requirements for these and other types of programs, which in theory are designed to serve the people whom they are supposed to represent.

It is my hope that this president will make justice and equality for all Americans more then just a warm and fuzzy notion that has no practical application to the millions of people (such as myself), who have been denied access to these resources and services by unsupervised racist who are protected by more unsupervised racist, in order to keep certain segments of society from being treated fairly, simply because they can, because it is allowed.

There is no logical explanation for the fact that since 2003, none of the representatives of DORS, or the RISE Program, or for that matter, CAP, (The Client Assistant Program), which is the program that is supposed to be responsible for resolving problem cases such as this, have not been effective in doing so.

At the very least, they should have been able to determine if they could help me or not; but this has not been accomplished by them, by the many politicians, bureaucrats and department heads who have repeatedly received my reports on this issue.

These kinds of smoke screens have existed for years. Even going as far as denying people who have fought and or died for this country the benefits that they have rightfully earned. And many of these deceitful and hateful acts continues on the watch of many local, state, and federal authorities including , mayors, governors, congressman, senators, and presidents who are supposed to care about the people they represent.

It is my hope that with the cooperation of the American People who want a better country, and a better world; The Obama Administration will bring about the positive changes necessary to seek out and remove these types of people from agencies that are charged with allocating resources and services that have long term effects on people's lives.

Greg Coleman

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