Friday, October 10, 2008

John McCain Hires A Token Nigger To Represent Him In Wisconsin

Today, James T. Harris, a plant, hired by the McCain Campaign to take the heat off of the racially under toned statement in Thursday night’s debate, in which McCain pointed to Senator Obama, calling him “That One”, and the other total disregard and disrespect shown towards his colleague in both of their debates, was most likely handsomely compensated for his performance.

Senator McCain’s attitude towards Senator Obama has been viewed by most of the genuine black people in this country as racist.

It is one thing to be competitive; but to be totally disrespectful of a colleague in the senate who has showed nothing but honor and respect for you, is totally unacceptable and smells like a racist who is mad, and does not think that a black man should be where Senator Obama is.

But in spite of all of their best fucking efforts; he is there; and he is going to stay there.

And all of the lies, hatred, racism, prejudice, treachery, deceit, and hired actors are not going to change that.

And as far as your racism is concerned, please be advised that Senator Obama would not be there without a significant number of white people who are also sick and tired of hearing politicians lie year after year, and never deliver on their promises.

They are also tired of hearing about the guidelines and the principals outlined in the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights that are supposed to allow for the fair and even treatment of all Americans, but yet, only the rich, the powerful, and the well connected get treated well in this country; and others because of their humble beginnings, their names, the color of their skin and their lack of connections are left to fend for themselves.

So the McCain Campaign can continue to try and turn this election into a racial competition simply because of the fact that the frontrunner just happens to be an African American, and they can hire all of the black actors that they want to try and bring home the point that John McCain is the best candidate for the job.

So on top of all of the dirty tricks, lies, and the total disrespect and disregard for this black man who has come from a place where he should not have even survived, and who has risen to such great heights in spite of the odds; the McCain Campaign is trying to tear him down, which is what we expected.

What John McCain and Sarah Palin are doing, (in spite of all of the data available to prove that this is not what the people of American People want or need), is not good for the McCain Campaign, the people of America, or for politics.

They are trying to make an election in The Great Democratic Society known as America, into an election like the ones that they have in Iraq or other unstable countries.

This is very dangerous for America, and does could not be coming from people who are putting “Country First”.

He is putting winning the election first with all of his stupid, erratic decisions and behaviors, and now they are trying to instill transferring this bullshit to their audiences.

But here’s a little tip for America.

Anyone who thinks that a fucking racist, schizophrenic, psychotic, megalomaniac, erratic warmonger is better for this country then a considerate, intelligent, accomplished political law scholar who also truly believes in the true potential of this nation and All, of it’s people, is out of their fucking minds.

This election is about the issues for most of the people in this country, (you know, the ones who don’t own or represent major corporations, the health care industry, the oil industry, or the pharmaceutical industry), so there are a large number of people from all races that have nothing to gain by feeding into the divisive politics being practiced by John McCain and Sarah Palin.

And as far as you are concerned Mr. Harris, I hope that you were adequately compensated for the performance that you gave today in Wisconsin at the McCain Rally today, and I hope that it will help you to promote your radio program, which is probably suffering from a lack of listener ship.

I will do everything in my power to see that you get all of the recognition that you deserve.

And as far as Senator McCain and Governor Sarah Palin is concerned, I think that there are only 2 kinds of people that have a blind allegiance to them, and the dangerous brand of politics that you are practicing in place of good common sense politics that involves sticking to the issues, and discusses how to fix what is wrong with America, and they are either rich powerful and corrupt, and stand to benefit from your policies because they have already bought you, or the ones who are poor, and are too ignorant, prejudiced and hate filled to know that the Republicans in the White House have never benefited the poor and helpless, or the middle class who bust their asses everyday trying to live the “American Dream”; and having John McCain and Sarah Palin in the White House will turn that dream into a nightmare.

You can see his performance on the Homepage of Mingle City at:

Please contact Mr. James T. Harris to share your opinion of his performance today at the rally.

Email him at:

And visit his website at:

Greg Coleman

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