Thursday, July 17, 2008

None Reverend But GOD

I guess you thought that I would not talk about the black guys when they make mistakes.

No such nonsense here!

I talk about my own mistakes, because if I don’t, I cannot correct them. However, I do choose (very carefully) who I talk about my personal mistakes to.

So it is with the issues that affect us on a personal level, or the issues that affect us all on a national level.

So it is with the recent comments made by Reverend Jessie Jackson, when he stated that Barack Obama is talking down to black people when he is involved in his faith based speeches, and that he is so upset with him, that he wants to cut his nuts off.

Now! I am not going to go as far as some of the white commentators that I have heard since this incident, and make it appear that I believe that if given a chance, Jessie Jackson would initiate or participate in the emasculation of Barack Obama; I do not.

I think that he was just talking trash (as we all sometimes do), when we are mad about something that another male counter part is doing or has done that upsets us.

And I am 100% sure that Jessie Jackson had no intentions on sharing this viewpoint with the world.

However, the Bible says, “what is done in the dark, will come to the light”,
1 Corinthians 4:5, and Jessie Jackson, being a Reverend and all, should know that.

So the question becomes, what was Reverend Jessie Jackson thinking?

The answer: Because the mike was open, we now know what he was thinking about Barack Obama in a bad way, apparently for quite some time, based on the intensive amount of negativity that he was directing towards the man.

Now this is what I think.

First of all, I do not revere men who hold the title “Reverend”, any more then I do a man who holds the title “Janitor”. And this is not a put down on the millions of people who are janitors who are charged with the responsibility of keeping this world clean and orderly, at least in the physical sense of appearances. I was a member of this fraternity for over 22 years.

Nor am I knocking people who think that a man who holds this title is indeed reverent.

However, I do feel sorry for you if you do, because there were never any people in Jesus’ church who were assigned this title. Some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors. Ephesians 4:11, Elders, Titus 1:5-9, Acts 14:23, Pastors, Ephesians 4:11, Shepherds, 1 Peter 5 2-4, Rulers, Hebrews 13:17, Bishops, Overseers, Acts 20:28,
1 Timothy 3:1, Deacons, 1 Timothy 3:8-13, Acts 6 1-6, in each church, Philippians 1:1,
Minister, 2 Timothy 4:5, also called Preacher, 1 Timothy, 2:7, 1:11, Evangelist, 2 Timothy 4:5, Teacher, 2 Timothy 1:11, Philippians 2:25, Ephesians 4:12, Colossians 4:17, Romans 10:14, Headquarters for Jesus’ church not on earth, it is in Heaven, 1 Peter 3:22.In addition, call no man “ Holy Father”. This title is not biblically correct either, Matthew 23:9

So actually if you are a Christian, (which means a follower of Christ, (not man), then you really should learn more about the traditions of men that led to this title, and the religious truth as to why there is no such official title in the original church founded by GOD, with Jesus Christ as the head.

But moving on, I said all of that to clear the minds of all of the people who may be uninformed, and who may still be in shock about the fact that these words actually came out of the mouth of the “Reverend” Jessie Jackson.

He’s just a man.

Prone to the same stupidity, evil and bitterness that we all are.

So for one reason or another, it is very clear that Mr. Jackson is bitter about something that Barack Obama is doing.

What is he doing?

In my opinion, one thing that he is doing wrong, is speaking about the black father problem as if it is only a black people problem. And believe me, I am not one of these don’t air your dirty laundry people, who would rather allow society to believe that we don’t have any serious problems within the black race, then to admit and discuss the problems that we do have. Denying that our problems exist is just as ineffective at solving them, as the white people who make blanket statements proclaiming that all racism is dead, and that all racist are too, and that racism no longer exists in America.

This is a common theme among many of the Fox News Commentators, especially, Bill O’Reilly, Lara Ingram, and Juan Williams.

You have to consider the fact that these people do not live in the real day to day-common working person world. They probably live behind electronic gates, with armed security guards, dogs, and sophisticated hi-tech security devices.

They do not fill out applications, interview for low-level jobs with temp agencies, or ride crowded busses with people who are sometimes obnoxious and disrespectful; and that goes for the black people who are like this, as well as the white people who are like this.

Disrespect is disrespect.

So based on their living conditions verses ours, once again I say to you, that you should just ignore what they have to say about the condition of the black race.

They are not qualified or authorized to speak on such things.

Anyway! I agree with Barack Obama that black fathers need to stand up. But shit head, dead beat, ass hole fathers are not just a black phenomenon, it seems to be a major problem in all of the races in this country. And I think it is a problem that started back in the early 70’s when more and more babies started making babies.

You see, a parent cannot give a child something that they do not have to give; and many of the parents who were children when they gave birth had not developed a sense of decency, responsibility and integrity yet. Therefore, they have not given those types of qualities to the children that you have been seeing for the last 20 years.

So as a result, we see a large number of irresponsible parents, male, female, black and white.

Granted, Obama was speaking to black people when he made these comments, and this is what has so many people pissed off. They feel as if he is putting down the black race for political gain. Well! I hate to drop this load on everyone, but in spite of the fact that I think he is the best politician choice available, let’s not forget, that he is indeed a politician.

In my personal opinion, I just think that Barack Obama is a decent man who sometimes makes mistakes a long the way, just like the thousands of politician that have gone before him, and the thousands that will succeed him. However, it seems now as if, more and more people, even his own people are expecting him to be some kind of GOD, that cannot or should not make any mistakes. He is not!

As many mistakes as he has made, and will probably make in the future, just like the many politicians who have done so before; I still truly believe that mistakes happen, but it takes a pure heart to admit to them and try and make things right.

Where as, we still have a president who has been in office for eight years, and has produced significant evidence to show that not only has he made mistakes, but that he has lied about them, refused to cooperate with the law, and in fact, just may be a crook; and yet he continues to maintain his perfection and his innocence.

I think that Obama said what he said in front of the black audiences because he has deep personal feelings about the subject of black fathers taking charge, being a man, and owning up to their responsibilities; which is something that we are not seeing enough of in the black community, and in the US as a whole.

And since this is where he was at, at the time, this is where he thought the message was needed.

As far as Reverend Jessie Jackson is concerned, I personally believe that his time has come and gone, and that he just may have a typical case of hater ration, due to the amount of success that Barack Obama has achieved in his bid for the White House, compared to the results that he achieved during his failed campaign.

So I think that he was just venting as a result of his animosity towards Obama, which is nothing new for people who are focusing on someone’s else’s success in life, rather then working on their own.

I think that we just need to keep in mind that Barack Obama is running for president of the United States of America, and as such, you will see him move from the left to the right to the center, and back again over the course of his contest with John McCain. And, I think that black people need to be prepared for what may appear to be hypocritical behavior on the part of Obama, and this should not surprise anyone. He did not start his campaign as a black candidate, because he knew that he could not possibly win with that.

This is what Jessie did, which caused him to not even be considered as a serious candidate by all of White America, and the majority of Black America.

So do not be mystified to see Obama shifting back and forward, because as I said a thousand times before; that is what politicians do.

And don’t be shocked if Reverend Jessie Jackson, or your Reverend, surprises you when he falls victim to sin, just remember: None Revered But GOD, Psalms 111:9

Greg Coleman

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