Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thank You Senator Obama!

First of all, we thank GOD for calling you to risk it all, in order to work towards making positive change, and American History, at the same time.

Thank you for bringing tears to my eyes on Super Tuesday June 3rd. 2008, when you became the first Major Party, African American, Official Nominee for the President of the United States of America.

Thank you for accomplishing a feat that was considered impossible for a Black Man, while, appropriately representing African Americans.

Thank you for starting your campaign as a qualified candidate, and not a Black Candidate.

Thank you for your successful efforts to bring people of all races, creeds, colors, educational backgrounds and incomes together for the purpose of solving the many problems that can only be solved by us all.

Thank you for the dignity, and the respect that you showed throughout this campaign; even when you were not treated with dignity and respect by your competitor or her supporters.

Thank you for not caving into the Right Wing Media’s attempt at making your past associations a major issue in this campaign, for the purpose of maintaining the Status Quo.

Thank you for all of the hope that you have given to the people of this country.

Thank you for continuing in the race, even when you were supposedly failing because of mysterious people who had the power to pull you down.

Thank you for connecting with the spirit within yourself to help you move foward in your quest to become President of The United States of America.

Thank you for allowing me to witness something that I thought that I would never live to see: A Black Man as the Democratic Nominee for President of the United States of America.

And, Thank you for making your campaign about the people of this country, and not about you.

With the help of GOD, your supporters, and the fair-minded people of this country of all races, you will be blessed with the responsibility of bringing this country together as one, and helping it’s people fix all of the currently existing problems together.
Thank you Senator, Obama.

(Only) Around Election Time

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