Monday, July 31, 2017

Thug, Anthony Scaramucci Gone After 10 Days

Anthony Scaramucci

Thug, Anthony Scaramucci out as White House Communications Director after only 10 days

Paul Manifort, Michael Flynn, Sally Yates, James Comey, Sean Spicer, Reince Priebus, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?.

There have been so many that I am sure I missed quite a few people who were expediently hired and then expediently fired.

It was a big mistake in the first place to let an Untrained, Inexperienced, Uneducated, Mentally Deranged Ignoramus pilot fly a plane as large as United States of America Airlines.

But the Russians, the Electoral College and a small percentage of Racists all worked together to allow Donald Trump to take off in a plane with 3.1 million lives in jeopardy.

And now I'm just wondering when the American People are going to put an Experienced Pilot in the Cockpit of this plan to Safely Land it before we CRASH.

All of these sudden altitude changes, changes in direction and changes in crew are not a sign of flexibility-This is a sign of people who don't know what the hell their doing.

And what makes this situation so sad, is the fact that it is do Dangerous and Potentially Deadly, but yet! We have all of these Trumpites, (Mostly White Racists & Nationalists), using Euphemisms to explain this very Erratic & Dangerous behaviour of Donald Trump.

When the Black Guy was in the White House doing his job the best he could, and trying to help as many Americans as he could-He was Attacked Viciously by a Large Assortment of White Racists and a few Self Hating Uncle Toms.

So because they could not find anything near what the hell this Ignoramus is doing now, they started and continued a campaign against President Obama to Invalidate & Discredit his Experience, Skills, Abilities, Motives, Principals, Values, Morals and Intellectual Prowess- Because He Was BLACK.

But now we have these same groups of people making excuses for this Idiot by saying things like: He's definitely a different kind of president.". "We've never seen a president like this before.", "He's not a politician.", "He understands the people.".


Donald Trump is a Fucking, Mentally Ill Idiot, (who if allowed to do so), will crumble this country and all of the Progress that it has made over the past 230+ years to the ground.

I've been hearing so many excuses as to why Anthony Scaramucci is gone including leaving because of his marital situation, leaving because he wanted John Kelly to start from scratch with his own people and because he hasn't sold his company yet, which is a serious Conflict of Interest; etc, etc, etc.

But I am not buying any of that Bullshit.

I think this guy is dirty, and he saw the handwriting on the wall as far as how many people who are potentially going to jail as a result of all the crooks who are already in the White House, and after he kept hearing the news stating that he'd better "Lawyer Up", just like all of the rest of the Crooks who are Under Investigation in the Trump Administration; he decided to get the hell out before it was too late.

And if that is truly the case-Can someone answer one question for me:

What Damn Business or Investments or any other Monetary Assets has Donald Trump sold or put into a trust since he became president.

Not One!

Not only that, for some seemingly unknown reason, this guy still refuses to release his Tax Returns.

Wonder why?

But the most disturbing thing about all of this Bullshit, is the fact that America is allowing Donald Trump to remain president in spite of all the Crimes that he and his administration started committing before they entered the White House, and continue to commit while they occupy the White House.

So, if the Institutions that are supposed to Protect America are not going to, then who is going to land this plane?


We have to stop this!

Remember Republican's Evil Deeds and act accordingly to crush them starting now, in 2018 and in 2020.

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