Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Did You Vote For This?????

Let me ask you something:


I understand that a lot of parents with children who are Boy Scouts and even those who just love children in general have so many complaints about Donald Trump's Political Boy Scout Rally among other things.

And just for the record, the question that I asked at the beginning of this blog was rhetorical in nature.

Because for all of you who voted for Donald Trump due to "White Blacklash" because you were mad about the 2 Successful Terms of the First African American President, #44, Barack Hussein Obama, you didn't vote out of "Love for Country". You voted out of Hatred for People of Color-Especially President Obama and those who look like him.

You see! Donald Trump was your Hateful Response to President Obama.

A seed that he planted in your Hearts, Minds & Souls when he Co Opted the Hateful Birther Movement from the Hateful Tea Party, even before President Obama was elected to office, which continued throughout his presidency,(and for certain Ignoramuses who hate Black People so much that they refuse to acknowledge or admit how Stupid Donald Trump really is and how dangerous he is for the country and the world), it continues today.

So now that this man and damn near everybody in his administration has literally been proven to be Russian Spies. And, now that he is attacking his own Attorney General and Disrespecting Foreign Leader's Wives and also setting about to Kill YOU the very people who voted for him by taking away your healthcare along with the Black People's too & etc, etc, etc-now yawl are crying about dying if you get sick or in a serious accident

Many former Trump Supporters are now having some kind of Religious Experience and now they are beginning to see the light.

But yet, they still do not want to participate in the Repeal & Replace Donald Trump & his entire Criminal Enterprise which he is running out of The White House Movement-"The People's House" as President Obama called it.

Instead they continue to Bitch, Moan, Whine, Lie, Cheat and Steal or at least try to steal everything that they can, including Healthcare from Millions of Poor & Sick People so they can Rob from the Poor & Give to the Rich.

And why wouldn't you?

It's what your leader is doing.

And one final thing: To all of the parents who are complaining about Trump's Behaviour, whose children were allowed to attend that Political Boy Scout Rally the other day; my question for yawl is: What the hell have you been teaching them?

And, what have you been raising them to be?-If they were enthusiastically cheering on Donald Trump like Billy Bush was doing when Trump admitted to "Grabbing Pussies" on tape. Why were your children cheering for all of the Ignorant Bullshit that he said.

You know that most people say that "Children are a reflection of their parents".

So before you start complaining about an Idiot who already told you, showed you and continues to show you how Evil, Deceitful, Hateful, Greedy, Racist, Sexists, Classicists, Dishonest & Bigoted he is-Maybe yawl better take a good look at yourselves in the mirror.

So did you vote for this?????

Are you in, or planning on joining the Movement to Repeal & Replace Trump and his Crooked Administration?

If the answer to the first question is "Yes".

And, the answer to the second question is "No", or I don't know.


We have to stop this!

Remember Republican's Evil Deeds and act accordingly to crush them starting now, in 2018 and in 2020.

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