Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Stop Fascism In America Before It Starts PT II

Stop Fascsim In America Before It Starts PTI

So in view of all of the things that have gone down since you came down that damn escalator at Trump Tower, (which I knew way back then, would lead to the Bullshit that it has now led to); now you want to try and become a dictator by keeping track of every American Citizen that votes?

Okay! Let's see!

Basically, every damn body in your administration who was involved with your campaign has confirmed ties to Russia, and the 2016 Russian Hacking of our Elections.

These very same people have lied repeatedly to the faces of the American People until "The Press" discovers and reports to the American People about their lies, which forces them to come up with a new version of the same lie until the are finally forced to tell the truth.

And then they try to justify their Criminal Behaviour when they get caught by claiming to be "New at this", "Inexperienced", "Naive" or "Not understanding how things in Washington work".

Just like the Criminal and Possibly Treasonous Activities committed by your son, Donald J. Trump Jr.

Check it out!

First of all, "Ignorance Of The Law Is No Excuse".

And more importantly! If you are "New at this", "Inexperienced", "Naive" or "don't understand how things in Washington work", then God Damn It! you should not be there.

These conditions are as catastrophic as putting Donald J. Trump and his Administration on a 747 Jet with over 300 Passengers Aboard, and then saying: Take Off!

And your supporting cast who are not qualified should not be their either.

But this is worse, because the loss of one life due to Stupidity is a shame.

And the lost of over 300 would be significantly worse.

But these Idiots have 321.4 million people's lives in their hands. And that was the estimate from (2015).

Now even though the police are trying to kill as many as possible from "Urban Areas", (Black Areas)-In Spite of their efforts, people are born in this country everyday. And Black Seeds Keep on growing.

And now after your Collusion with the Russian Government to help you defeat Hillary Clinton who won by the People's Popular vote by over 3 million votes- you really want the states to turn over all of our Personal Voter Data to your White House right before you announced that you are forming a partnership with Russia; the same people who Hacked our Elections in 2016; to form a Cyberspace Protection Squad to help protect us from Interference with Election?

I don't thing most Americans have Shit For Brains like you do.

That Ain't Gonna Happen!

And if it does, then I will know that we no longer live in America.

And sincerely hope and pray that this never becomes the case.

We didn't have all these damn problems when we had a Real President in the White House as we are having with these Stupid Ass People.

Hell! We already have evidence of Criminal and Treasonous Behaviour on most of them already.

But even without waiting for that to be proven legally; these Idiots should be thrown out of the People's House on their White Racist Asses, just for Lack of Transparency, Disgracing our Intelligence Community, Gross Incompetence, Lying on Federal Applications, Lying to the faces of the American People and just simply being too damn disruptive, which is causing so many problems, that the government cannot function and is dangerously close to collapsing.

And what the hell is this Hatred towards the Media?

And another thing: What in the hell is this Trump Administration's Problem with having reporters in meetings with Russian or other Foreign Visitors? And since when, (since we've had the technology to do so), has Daily Presidential Briefings been cancelled, not televised or reported in audio format only? And why in the Hell are the Visitor's Logs for the White House under Trump, which President Obama knew was the People's House, so he made the White House Visitor's Log Public unless there was a situation where National Security was an issue? Why in the hell are Americans watching all of this Bullshit everyday, and all of these American Institutions and Branches of Government are aware of all of this, and his entire administration has not be dragged out of the White House in Handcuffs yet? How much of this or how long do you thing President Obama or President Hillary Clinton would have gotten away with this Dumb Shit? Are these the actions of Victims of Harassment or are these the actions of people who know damn will they are guilty of something and are doing some of the most Illegal and Unprecedented Shit to Cover Up their Crimes?

When I was very young, I asked my parents: "When will Black People be in charge of anything in this world?"

And they both turned to me and said" "Son, before the White Man would let Black People control this world, they would blow it up first".

Could it be that they foreseen the Rise of Donald Trump and his Trumpites?

I mean are these White Racist who are Intentionally Hateful, so mad that we had a 2-Term Successful Black President that they would rather vote for a Greedy, Selfish, Hateful, Lying Ass Bastard who is a Russian Spy, who was not a Republican at all, but became one out of convenience because he knew that he could capitalize on the Hatred and Fear of White Racists who claim they are being left behind when in fact, they are not.

It's just that now they have to go to school and work harder to compete with People of Color to get a good job, which means the Death of their White Privilege.

That's their damn problem.

And damn it! Coal is not coming back.

And if you want to live to see your Grandchildren and your Great Grandchildren-WHY IN THE HELL WOULD YOU WANT IT TO?

Would they rather blow the world up rather than sharing it with other people?

Hell yeah they would!

They voted for Donald Trump didn't they? And I hope that you know that many of these Republicans including the leaders of the party are turning a Blind Eye to all the Criminal Acts that Trump is committing as long as it benefits them?

It doesn't matter if it totally destroys this country and or the world, and all the people in it, except the people who mean something to them-They don't give a damn.

They only care about themselves and keeping all the Wealth, Power and Resources for their Lilly White Selves.

And if they can't have it-Then they will make sure that no Damn body else will have it either.

Because they will destroy the world first, before they are forced to share it with people who they consider to be Inferior.

And they are so blinded by Hatred, Greed, Selfishness and Racism that they either don't know or don't care that they will be the first to be hurt under a Trump Dictatorship.

Of course the Rich White Republicans don't care.

He's already trying to kill his devoted followers by taking their Healthcare-Not because its collapsing on its own or can't be fixed; which all Republicans have adopted as their new lying Talking Point, because that is not whats happening.

The Truth Is: Republicans are deliberately trying to make Obamacare Collapse and Fail, because that's what they have been trying to do every since President Obama signed it into law.

And not because its not working and can't be fine tuned to work for all Americans.

You know why they do what they do?

Because a Black Man's name is attached to it, and they cannot stand the thought of a Black Man accomplishing something that so many White Presidents before him have tried and failed to do. And the thought of him going into the history books and getting credit for it blows their theories of White Supremacy out of the water and makes them sick to their stomachs.

Trump is willing to kill his own voters to destroy everything that President Obama put into place during his 2 Successful Terms.

That's right Bitches-2 Successful Terms.

He's willing to let the Mentally Ill have guns because President Obama didn't want them to.

He's willing to take money from the poor and give it to the rich because Obama tried to develop a tax code that would be fair to everyone based on their wealth, and to maintain and create new programs to help people who cannot help themselves like Poor Children, The Sick, Poor Adults and the Elderly.

And if all of that is not evil enough, Trump is trying to take away the Voting Rights of as many People of Color through Voter Suppression as he can; and he has rolled back all of the Environmental Protections that Obama put into place to protect our Air, Food, Soil and Water from being poisoned by Major Corporations who now have more freedom to dump as much waste wherever and whenever they want for as long as they want, so that not only will future generations not be able to come into this world, but also the generations who are already here can legally be killed off.

Bottom line is that White Racists and Right Wing Hate Mongers all claimed that President Obama was trying to be "King Obama" including Donald Trump.

But all these same people are acting like they don't see that Donald Trump doesn't want to be a President, he wants to be a Dictator like Putin, Hitler and the others in history.

And I'm afraid that if we don't do everything that we need to do to stop him, he just might succeed.

In case you didn't know, many of his Trumpites are now practicing Idolatry when for Vladimir Putin.

I don't think I have to tell you the inherent danger in that-Do I?

Remember! At the direction of Donald Trump, Trumpites had already said that the Leader of Russia was a much better leader than the Black President of the United States of America.

Look at the signs of what takes place before Fascism becomes the law of the land below. And then match those actions with the actions of Donald J. Trump and his entire Administration.

Then unite and figure out how to stop him, unless you want to live in a country that has a Dictator as opposed to the Democracy that we've had for over 230 years.

Now to be honest, Black People have not lived in a Democracy of over 230 years.

And its questionable as to rather or not we live in a Democracy now.

But we've been slowly moving in the right direction and making some progress for over 60 years now.

So if you think things have been bad for us, and that they are still bad for us; Let Donald Trump and his White Nationalist Party succeed. And then what we are going through now, will seem like a picnic.

We have to stop this!

Remember Republican's Evil Deeds and act accordingly to crush them starting now, in 2018 and in 2020.

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