Saturday, July 29, 2017

Thanks To The Heros And Sheros Of Healthcare

First of all, thanks to GOD for protecting what is True, Decent, Human and Kind.

Thanks to President Obama for having the guts in spite of all the Racial Hatred, Anger and Danger that he faced as the First African American President for spending all of his Political Capital on seeing that over 20 Million Americans without Health Care,(which could have cost them their lives), got it.

Thanks to all of the Decent, Fair Minded and Humane Citizens of the United States of America from all walks of life, who United in spite of their differences to say "Hell No!" to Donald Trump and the Republicans who have been spearheading this movement to destroy Obamacare every since this Black President accomplished what all of the White Presidents before him did not.

And that is why Republican's reasoning behind not Fine Tuning Obamacare instead of totally destroying it is not being driven by Logic or even Economics. They are driven by Hate because of the successes that President Obama experienced during his 2 terms in office, (in spite of their Racism and Opposition to working with him).

And just for the damn record: Obamacare was not Rammed Down Americans throats without Republican Participation.

That's a Damn Lying Ass Talking Point that Republicans continue to use to justify their attacks against Obamacare.

The fact of the matter is that Republicans were so Racist & Hateful towards President Obama, that they had already decided before he was even sworn in to never Cooperate, Assist or work with him on anything, (even if it destroyed the country), because he is Black.

They were asked to participate along with many other Americans, Politicians and Organizations that were consulted for many months.

It was done without Republicans because President Obama couldn't allow Disruptive Hateful Monkeys to stop him from working for the people.

But they were just too damned busy to do anything to help the People of this country, because they were too damn busy trying to make President Obama a "One-Term President".

How's that working for yall?

Shit is getting so bad for Trump & Republicans now, that Republicans are using a word now that I very rarely if ever, heard while the Black President was in office: BIPARTISANSHIP.

So let me get this straight:

When President Obama was in office, there could be no working together with the President. Right?

But now that there's a White Ignoramus in office, now you want to reinstitute a Spirit of Unity and working together in a bipartisan manner?


Thanks to the following Heros & Sheros of Healthcare.

Democrats: All of them

Especially, Mazie Hirono, Hawaii, who came and registered her vote against this Idiotic Bill, in spite of the fact that she has Stage 4 Liver Cancer.


Susan Collins, Maine

Lisa Murkowski, Alaska

John McCain, Arizona, (Drop The Damn Mic). Who came and presented his "Thumbs Down Vote" literally-even though he is currently being treated for a Very Aggressive form of Brain Cancer.

But as I said earlier, the real Heros are you America. Because you stood firm against Evil Shit that you knew in your hearts was wrong.

But, a word of caution is required here before everyone thinks that this is a once and for all victory that will allow us to now lay down our guards and celebrate from here on out. Not so! Because Hatred & Evil have been a part of Human Civilization since Human Civilization began.

And even though this is a victory & cause for celebration now-those of us who want to continue the fight for Freedom, Justice & Equality know that Evil never rests-And neither do Evil People.

So they won't give up.

They will return with another plan to destroy as many Human Lives as they can As Soon As Possible.

So Celebrate now, but don't Sleep.

Thank you so much for truly being United to stop these Calculated and Orchestrated plans to destroy the lives of people that these "people" consider to be worthless.

Remember Republican's Evil Deeds and act accordingly to crush them starting now, in 2018 and in 2020.

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Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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