Monday, July 3, 2017

So Sick And Tired Of Listening To People Bitch About A Person They Already Knew

Donald Trump

The majority of people knew who and what he was 40 years before he announced his candidacy.

Those were the people in the Popular Vote Category who didn't vote for him because they did know.

The ones who are bitching and moaning now about an unfit president are most of the same damn people who had nothing to say when this same Racist attacked the First African American President, by attacking his Citizenship, Validity, Morals, Principals, Values and Intelligence, (which by the way Donald), you have proven with each Tweet, Speech, Destructive Action and Hurtful/Hateful Word that you have uttered to the public; that in the Intelligence Department, there is truly no comparison when it comes to our previous president.

Those of us who were pissed off about that then are the ones who knew who Trump was before, during and after that incident.

But I bet that most of those who are bitching now, were deliberately silent when this same Con Artist and Grifter sold that Racist Bullshit to them.

Now you're disgusted?

Are White Racists getting slow?

My Badd!

They have always been slow.

That's why their Racists.

Because, they have not been able to keep pace with the evolution of the human species and how as a collective we are trying to move towards a more Enlightened, Fair and Tolerant State to facilitate the survival of the Human Race-Not just the White Race.

Now I've got a question for those of you who have been tuned in to what's been going on in our Toxic, Volatile, Racist and Dangerous Political Environment since the First African American President, (Barack Obama), was elected on November 4, 2008 and before, during and now after.

How many times have you seen Donald Trump on "Morning Joe" shooting the breeze with Joe and Mika?

It was so many times that I couldn't keep track.

"Oh! I'm sorry. We have to interrupt your segment. Mr. Trump is on the phone.

"Mr. Trump will be calling in tomorrow, so make sure you're tuned in".

"Ladies and gentleman we have "The Donald" here in person".

One time it got so bad that I had to stop looking at it because we started calling in the "Donald Trump Show".

And we got sick and tired of the same Hateful Bullshit that he is doing and saying now, that all of these people are bitching about as if it is a new phenomenon, (including Joe, Mika, other Republicans, and a few of the Hateful Idiots that voted for him).

last week Morning Joe made a statement to the effect that this Donald Trump is not the same Donald Trump from 2 years ago.


Not only is he the same Asshole that came down the elevator at Trump Tower immediately spewing HATE against all kinds of people of color and everybody who does not share his religious beliefs which equals none.

Donald Trump is no more religious than Satin Himself-But he's even more dangerous now because the Russians and Hateful Racist Americans help scam him into the office.

He's just a Grifter, Conman and Chameleon that will say, do, and act the way that he thinks you damn fools want him to for that minute, and than he goes right back to the Ugly Evil Bastard that he really is.

So let's cut the Bullshit out.

Donald Trump is the same Evil Bastard that he has been for over 70 years, and is not going to change until his last heartbeat.

But what I can guarantee all Americans who are really Patriots who care about the Safety, Protection and Health of this nation: If Donald Trump is not removed from office ASAP, America will no longer be a Democracy, Republic or whatever the fuck you want to call it-It will be a Dictatorship with a leader who is ordering people's personal voting data, which is just how Hitler slowly but surely gained absolute power in Germany.

If this concept is too far fetched for you or it seems to far back in history to be real; then look at present day history and take a good look at how Vladimir Putin is doing it.

And then look at the person who is always protecting, cuddling and kissing his ass-who just happens to head our government.

Donald Trump must be stopped before its too late for America.

Closing all ears and eyes to what the fuck is really happening right now with Donald Trump only means that he will fool more people into allowing him to get away with the shit that he is doing with Total Disregard for the Laws and the Constitution of the United States.

And Corrupt Republicans are covering for him by saying" "You've got to understand that this is a different king of president."


He is a Narcissistic, Evil, Corrupt Megalomaniac, who needs to be stopped before he damages the country so badly that it won't be able to recover.

Stopping falling for all this Dumb Ass Shit from the Right.

Because their doing what their doing and saying what their saying to protect only their interests and not the country as a whole.

If you don't want a country that already has a history of being Fucked Up and Unfair and Cruel to Certain Kinds of People, then do whatever is within your power now to stop this Time Bomb before it explodes.

Please help save America now!

We have to stop this!

Remember Republican's Evil Deeds and act accordingly to crush them starting now, in 2018 and in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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Happy Independence Day

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