Monday, October 31, 2016

Hire Your Own Crook Part III

Part I

Part II

Your mission should you decide to accept it, is to spend as much time as you can with your computers, tablets, cellphones and maybe a book or news magazine etc, as you can to research the pros and cons of both of these candidates: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton; to determine which one will do the most good and the least harm to you and all the things that are important to you now, and that will remain important to you on November 9, 2016 and beyond.

That's it!

All Political Candidates have shortcomings, flaws and mistakes in their past.


Because their all Human

One of the most powerful things that I've seen the Republican Party master in my 36 years as a Political Observer, is their ability to convince Poor White People to vote against their own best interests over and over again during every election cycle.

And they are also masters of the "Illusion of the Perfect Candidate" .

It works this way: If they can convince you that their candidate is "Perfect", then that will force you to focus too much on the Human Imperfections of the candidate that will potentially do the most good and the least harm to you.

And once they convince you of how imperfect your candidate is, then they will have your vote; (either because you will empower their candidate by giving them your vote), or by getting so frustrated about the entire process that you decide to not vote at all, or by voting for some insignificant candidate, (which in effect, still means that in all probability), you have still given your vote to their candidate by default.

However, I will share a Closely Guarded Political Secret with you: You can tell who has the most skeletons in their closet by paying attention to the volume and intensity with which they try to convince you and others of the massive amount of skeletons in the other person's closet.

In order to prevent this phenomenon from overtaking your mind, you must not allow Republican Operatives to Divide and Conquer you with Manipulation, Misdirection, Smear Campaigns or out and out lies in favor of their very flawed candidate, Donald Trump.

You can start here:

48 hours earlier, I told you this:

48 hours later, I had to tell you this:

Told you so! Just 48 hours after Jason Chaffetz R, Utah vowed to keep endless investigations running against Hillary Clinton even if she wins the Presidential Election; FBI Director James Comey,(who is also a Republican), has announced with a vague to non-existent explanation that he will be reopening investigations against Hillary Clinton about an issue that he himself just months ago, said was resolved to his satisfaction.

All of this started with Donald Trump, Ben Chaffetz and other Republican Operatives who already broadcasted publicly to the American People that they would be launching this Smear Campaign a few weeks and hours prior to its actual implementation.

And if you didn't pay attention to what they have all been saying and to what they have not been saying for the weeks leading up to what is now a Full Blown Political Smear Campaign; then they know that you could not have possibly seen this coming.

Jason Chaffetz Prior to FBI Director, Comey's Announcement on 10/28/2016

But here's the thing: your job is not to be Judge, Jury and Executioner of Hillary Clinton on behalf of the Republican Party and their very dangerous, corrupt, greedy and hateful candidate Donald Trump.

Your job is to do the research that I mentioned above to determine how her successful election as President of the United State of America will benefit or harm you, as well as judging the same thing about the other candidate.

Look At These People Standing Behind Trump.

Do you think they care about all of the Evil Deeds, Misogyny, Racism, Sexual Assault Charges, Fraud Charges, Discrimination Charges, Law Suits, Unfair Business Practices, etc, etc, etc that Donald Trump has been accused of and successfully sued for over as many years as Hillary Clinton has been attacked by the Right?

Hell No!

They are standing behind Trump because he hates the same people they hate. And Trump poses a threat to these people on their behalf for their benefit,(real or perceived).

They also believe that he can and will do all the things that he says he will do for them to protect their interests, (in spite of the fact that many of the things that he is promising them will only occur if Trump is able to totally destroy the current government as we know it).

If this is something that interest you, then Donald Trump is your President.

If this is not what you want, then Hillary Clinton is your President.

These 2 Presidential Candidates are the only Legitimate Choices that we have in this election.

All of this other foolishness about "Voting my Conscious" and "I am not able to bring myself to vote for either of these candidates" is either going to translate into a vote for a candidate that does not have their best interest at heart, or will be counted as a "Non" or "wasted" Vote.

This is also an excuse for Weak Ass Republicans to not have to be held accountable for choosing either one of these 2 candidates for president at a later date due to Political Expediency.

And what makes this new phenomena among Republicans so ironic is the fact that Republicans are alway shouting loudly about how strong and principled the Republican Party is verses the Democratic Party.

Currently America is a 2 party system and has been for a very long time-Republicans & Democrats

Even Independents like Bernie Sanders has to choose one of these 2 parties to run in a National Presidential Election.

So if Republican Campaign Managers, Campaign Operatives, Surrogates, Other Republican Officials and Rightwing Media can convince you that Hillary Clinton is "The Devil"; then they win.

Do not let Republicans convince you that your job is to convict Hillary Clinton, (who has not been convicted of anything), thereby destroying her run for President of the United States against Donald Trump who has been sued and charged with many things.

Your job is to choose the best candidate for you, your family, your community and the country as a whole from the 2 candidates that the American People have chosen through the Primary Election Process to be your President.

They're all Crooked.

Because their all Human.

So to be clear; if Hillary Clinton shoots someone in the middle of 5th. Avenue in broad daylight; Hillary Clinton still has my vote as long as Donald J. Trump is in this race.

Because, I don't care how bad Hillary is or how bad the things are that she has done or is being falsely accused of, Donald Trump has demonstrated and been proven over time to be far worse and more dangerous.

I know that Rich and Powerful People like the Clintons are considered to be "Above the Law" or "Untouchable", but if Bill and Hillary committed all of the crimes that I have been hearing about for over 30 years now including MURDER; and they have not been tried, convicted and sentenced, then there is something seriously wrong in this country that "We The People" seriously need to unite and address.

I used to receive mailings from Rush Limbaugh and other members of the Rightwing Hate Community back in the 90"s all the time, accusing Bill and Hillary of tying people to railroad tracks and letting trains cut them in half, murdering the First African American Secretary of Commerce, Ron Brown in a plane crash that hit a mountain in Croatia on April 3, 1996, Rape, Sexual Assault, Malfeasance in Office and a myriad of other charges and accusations that have not resulted in any serious criminal penalties, with the exception of Bill Clinton's impeachment for having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky and then lying about it.

So in short, I stand with Hillary because she does not have a history of Hating Me like Donald Trump does. Which to me means that I have a better chance of her not implementing policies that will hurt or destroy me, my family, my community and the country as a whole, which I know for sure that will most likely happen under a Trump Administration.

And it's not just Black People and other Minorities that have concerns about the dangers of a Trump Presidency. Its also woman, families, children, immigrants, small businesses, politicians, missile silo personnel, military personnel, wallstreet, big businesses, banks, news reporters and even leaders of foreign countries and their citizens.

Donald Trump is a Global Threat/

So when choosing a President of the United states of America "Information is Power". So, please don't make this Crucial Decision without it.

You are not just electing the Leader of the United States of America. You are also electing the Leader of the Free World who has Ultimate Power and Influence around the globe, and whose decisions can affect changes negatively or positively for not just millions of human beings but billions.

That kind of power in the hands of someone who is not Mentally Fit, Morally Sound, (at least to some degree), Totally Selfish and Self Absorbed and who has a history of hurting other people for Personal Gain, with a Mental Age of 7, can destroy your life and the lives of billions of other people around the world.

Do not be fooled by Professional Liars who earn their bread and butter by successfully deceiving Misinformed Voters.

Thank you for spending time with me before one of the most Consequential Elections in America's History.

Hire Your Own Crook!


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To Be Clear-You're Fine With Me Unless And Until You Defecate On Me......

As Humans, we can have the utmost respect and admiration for a person's Professionalism and Integrity.

But that will definitely change, (which is to be expected), when that same person does something questionable without adequate clarification or explanation to hurt or destroy me.

Got It?


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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hire Your Own Crook PT II

Just because you repeat the same lies over and over and over again - It does not make them true Republicans.

Part I

When we left off yesterday, we were talking about how the Professional Political Campaign Operatives collect a paycheck for deceiving Uninformed and Inexperienced Voters into making choices that not only do not meet their needs, but that actually convinces then to vote against their own best interests.

The Republican Party are masters of this craft.

They call it "The Big Lie".

This technique consist of repeating the same lie over and over until Misinformed Voters believe that it is true.

Example:How they kept saying over and over that "President Obama was not born in the US" and that "He is not a Christian but a Muslim instead", (as if the Muslim Faith is such a terrible thing).

Or, that "We are in the Greatest Depression since 1938", and also that "This is the Slowest Growth Rate that we've ever seen in our country's history".

Or this one, "The job creation under this president has been anemic".

Or how about this one: "President Obama is weak on Immigration".

And the latest Big Lie being touted by the always factual and truthful Donald J. Trump is that the Affordable Care Act, (Obama Care), is a failure because of the projected 25% increase premium costs for 2017; which are actually offset for approximately 89% of people by Government Subsidies that reduce these costs and make these premiums affordable to Average American and Low Income Citizens.

They are leaving out a lot of very important details about this program because it is politically expedient for them to do so with their Low Information Voters. And, they are also hiding the fact that Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and most recently the Prescription Drug Plan implemented by George W. Bush's Administration all had faults and flaws in them. But prior to America having a Black President, people on both sides of the isle worked together to correct those faults and flaws to make these programs into the functional programs that they are today. Are they perfect?

Hell no!

But, what is that humans create?

But these programs have and continue to help millions of Americans decade after decade.

But now all you hear is: "lets just destroy these programs", (and leave seniors and poor people and working class Americans without the assistance that they need).

They conveniently leave off that last part from the discussion.

Now, if you're not dead or living under a rock, you will recall that this description about our economy is where America's economy was under the Previous Republican Administration of George W. Bush.

And this is what President Obama had to work with when he took office in January 2009. And in spite of a "Do Nothing Congress" because "We have policy disagreements with President Obama." Yeah right!-They refused to give his polices and legislation a fair vote in the House and the Senate.

And with their fierce opposition to voting on anything that he proposed, he still managed to bring the economy back far above where it was under George W. Bush.

He also had several Foreign Policy Victories including the execution of Osama Bin Laden long after George W. Bush swore that he would get him after the attacks on 911. And then he started saying that he didn't even think about him anymore.

A Nuclear Arms Deal with Iran like this country has never seen before.

Reestablishing our country's relationship with Cuba which allows for more robust trade with Cuba from American Businesses and Visa Versa.

And providing Healthcare to 20 million Americans who previously did not have any.

One of the main things that you have to look out for from these Political Manipulation Experts is their distortions of the truth or their out right lies like the ones that Rudy Giuliani and other Campaign Surrogates are spreading on behalf of their candidate Donald Trump's Presidential Ambitions, which are actually Business Ambitions in Disguise.

So where do you fit into the picture?

We will discuss that in the 3rd and final part of this blog.

Please come back tomorrow for it.


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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Hire Your Own Crook Part I

There's a lot of misinformation being distributed by people who make a living creating misinformation about candidates either positively or negatively,(depending on what side of the political fence they are on), that is directed towards people who only are involved in politics to a minimum degree; (usually those whose involvement is no more than just voting and then forgetting all about it until the next election). And Political Advisers, Campaign Managers, Surrogates and Political Ad People know this and use these folk's lack of knowledge and involvement in the political process as a means to enhance the virtues of their candidates or to minimize the not so virtuous qualities of their candidate while highlighting the negatives of the competition.

And, they know exactly how many people who are out there who are ripe for the picking who may be receptive to these Deceptive Campaign Messages, because they have the data. And they will not hesitate to get inside the minds of Political Neophytes with messages that are not designed to be true, but to be effective at Persuasion or Dissuasion in favor of their candidate(s).

So this message is for those who are willing to listen and participate in our Democracy which is an ongoing project that determines how well and how long we, our families, our communities and this country lives and how well it does as a whole.

If you are not interested in a Bloody Revolution, then the only chance that you will have to personally determine which direction this country will be heading in after the election, (in combination with millions of others), is to vote on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 for the best possible crook that is available to you.

Yes! Just like many of us had our hearts broken to find out that Santa Claus was not real and that Santa Claus was just our parents lying to us-It is important for you to know, (even if it breaks your heart), that no one in politics is perfectly true or perfectly honest, because their human beings with the same types of tendencies toward evil or wrong doing that we have. The same selfish behaviors that we exhibit. And the same human frailties that we have.

One of the biggest myths that the professionals that I mentioned above like to perpetuate is "The Myth of the Perfect Candidate".

Listen folks! That "Perfect Candidate" does not exist. Sorry to break it to you, but its important for you and our country that I do.

Their All Crooks to one degree or another because their all HUMAN.

So, your job is not to pick the "Perfect Candidate".

Your job is to do the most basic research that you can to determine which crook you can hire that is going to do the least harm and the most good for you, your family, your community and your country, based on their past record.

Hint: The Politicians who scream the loudest about the Skeletons in the other person's closet usually has even more skeletons in their closet.

A perfect example of this is when Republican Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, was so adamant about and supportive of, the movement to impeach President Bill Clinton for his sexual adventures while in office.

That movement was successful.

After the success of that movement, Bill Clinton's Popularity skyrocketed, and to this day, he continues to be one of the most popular Political Figures in American Political History.

Shortly after his tirade against Bill Clinton, Gingrich was fired from his position as speaker of the house for his personal and professional digressions by members of his own party.

Part II.

Part III.


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Thursday, October 27, 2016


The Evil Elephants In The Room are planning to hold the U.S. Government Hostage again if Hillary Clinton wins.

They are currently implementing the same Devious Plan that they put into motion when President Obama was first elected in 2008, which they currently have held in place as President Obama is heading towards the end of his term in January, 2017.

What does this plan mean to you as an American who wants to see America make progress and succeed and remain great and to become even better for all parties concerned?

It means that if Donald Trump wins then things will not get any better for the majority of Average American Citizens, and most likely they will get worse. And it also means that even if Hillary Clinton wins; because of a Devious Preplanned Scheme to take the Government Hostage and create another 4 to 8 years of Gridlock at the expense of the American People she will still not be able to implement any of the elements of her Progressive Agenda, including the appointment of Supreme Court Justices that can break the ties on very important issues that can affect all of us for decades to come.

What can we as Democrats, Liberals and Progressives do about it?

We have to ignore the hype about the polls.

The only poll that matters is the one where you go and vote on November 8, 2016.

So please don't let the polls either good or bad discourage you from getting out and voting, and taking as many other registered voters with you as you can.

If you like the direction that President Obama has been taking this country in for the past 7-1/2 years,(in spite of constant opposition from a "Do Nothing Congress"), then no matter what the Rightwing Conservative Hate Movement in America tries to convince you of about the extreme evil and danger of electing Hillary Clinton as the First Woman President of America; you have got to ignore it and VOTE for Hillary.

Republicans Repeating The Same Lies Over & Over About How Bad This Country Has Been Doing Under President Obama Does Not Make Then True.

Because Hillary Clinton is the best chance that we have of maintaining and expanding on the progress that President Obama has made, and of protecting the Legacy of the First African American President, which is something that the Conservative Movement in this country is definitely trying to destroy, because of their hatred of him.

And they don't mind destroying the country in order to achieve this end goal.

That means they don't give a damn about you.

They only care about their hatred of President Obama and Madame President, Hillary Clinton.

Not only do we have to successfully elect Hillary Clinton as President; but we also have to take out the Trash in The House and The Senate that has been plotting to destroy this country out of Hatred of a President instead of Love of Country and all the people in it, just to destroy a president.

So we have to create a Wave Election where we Elect Hillary Clinton and throw all of the "Do Nothing Members of Congress", who will put you and your family's lives, safety, security, healthcare, education and finances at risk just to destroy one individual, out.

Don't let that happen.

Let's clean house on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.

Thank you!


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Saturday, October 22, 2016

This! We Do Not Need...........

Article By Steven Strauss, USA Today

We Do Not Need:

More Lies

More Confusion

More Hatred

More Discrimination

More Racism

More Divisiveness

More Loss Of Freedoms

More Loss Of Human Rights

More Attempts To Sensor The Free Press

More Attacks Physical, Verbal or Otherwise Against Individuals Who Are Different But Not Causing Anyone Any Harm

More Stealing From The People

More Violence

More Unnecessary Wars For Profit

Another Totalitarian Dictator who wants to change that which does not give him an unfair advantage, keep the things that do, and destroy anyone or anything that does not personally benefit him in every way.

We already have enough of this Evil in this country and this world.

We need to keep moving towards these ideals-not further away from them.

This election really boils down to rather we as Americans who want the best for America, (which can only be defined based on Commonly Accepted American Values & Principals),which would naturally result in Equal Treatment Under The Law for as many Americans as possible and not just isolated groups based on Race, Sex, Income, Religion Etc; to the question: Do we want Rapid Destruction or Slow and Steady Progress?

Stay Tuned for an answer on Tuesday November 8, 2016.

So please check your local elections board to see if you can still get registered to vote or to make sure that you have not mysteriously disappeared from the voting logs if you are already registered. And then vote out the HATE on Tuesday November 8, 2016.

Thanks for the heads up Tina. Good lookin out.


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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Thank You Melania: You've Proven That Your Husband Can Be Egged On By A Boy 25 Yrs His Junior

If you husband can be "Egged On" to participate in "Boy Talk" that according to you, is absolutely contrary to who your husband is, then he is too weak and too dangerous to be President of the United States of America.

Keep in mind that the North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un is 2 years younger at 32 then Billy Bush was at the time that Donald Trump was caught being himself as a result of Billy Bush's "Egging Him On".

And Kim Jong-un is 38 years your husband's junior. And your husband respects him and Vladimir Putin more than he respects the President of the United States who was not born in America.

Will he be "Egged" on by these Dictators or others around the world?

Just imagine how cheap he could buy real estate after a Nuclear War.

You don't need to have a degree in Psychology or be a Genius to know that what people show you in public is most likely not who they are in private.

The true measure of a human being is what they feel comfortable doing in when nobody's watching.

And this is exactly what your husband was doing when he thought no one was watching.

But in this case, this tape was not the first and won't be the last indication of who Donald J. Trump really is.

And in over 90% of these incidents, it is Donald Trump himself who has confirmed who he is by his attacks on Woman, Black People, Mexican People, Hispanic People, Immigrants, Jewish People, Physically Challenged People and the list just goes on and on and on.

Those of us who want Freedom, Justice and Equality for All, who realize that these end goals cannot be realized with a Trump Presidency; can put out all of the Factual Data that paints your husband in a negative light that we can find.

But there's nothing like hearing about an Ass from the Horses Mouth.

So, we thank you Melania for giving us an insight into why a Trump Presidency would be a disaster for this country; because he has No Self Control, No Discipline, No sense of Decency, No Focus on the Matters Directly at Hand as proven by his repeated debate performances that consist of Insults, Slurs and other Negative Nonfactual Information that does nothing to address all of the Pain and Suffering that many people in this country, (including many of his followers who he has Brainwashed), are still experiencing.

You are finally doing a service to your adopted country-without even knowing it.

So please check your local elections board to see if you can still get registered to vote or to make sure that you have not mysteriously disappeared from the voting logs if you are already registered. And then vote out the HATE on Tuesday November 8, 2016.


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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Do You Trust This Much HATE Controlling Your Government?

If not, then do something.


So please get registered today and then vote out the HATE on Tuesday November 8, 2016.


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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Tough Talk Won't Do Anything To Stop Terriorists

Because Tough Talk Is Just That-TALK

You can't completely eliminate evil all over the world all the time or stop all of the heinous acts that it compels people to do anyway. And anyone who tells you that they can is telling you a lie and is not fit to be President.

You can however, minimize it and bring retribution to those who commit these Acts of Terrorism.

President Obama took out Bin Laden without so much as a murmur.

As a matter of fact, he was at the Press Dinner telling jokes about people like Donald Trump while everything was being put into motion.

So Tough Ignorant, Uneducated and Stupid Hateful Talk just won't get the job done. Because it takes Strategy, Planning and Intellectual Prowess to protect this country and other countries around the world in conjunction with our allies and other members of the World Community.

Watch As Tough Man Donald Trump Makes Love To His Secret Service Agents While Holding On For Dear Life As A Protester Charges The Stage At His Rally.

Don't Hold Me Back!

Yeah! Let him go!.

I'll take care of him!.

Let him go!

As you can clearly see by this video-Tough Man Trump ain't so tough after all.

Minimizing Terrorist Attacks will require Communication, Cooperation, Effective Intelligence,(which Donald Trump does not have), and Strategic Planning with our allies around the world.

Because Tough Talk-Is Just Talk.

So please get registered today and then vote out the HATE on Tuesday November 8, 2016.


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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Republican's HATE Of This Guy-Got Them That Guy-LOL

This Guy

That Guy

Now their frantically running wild like Rats and Roaches when a light is shined on them.

That's what HATE gets you.

Vote Out The HATE On Tuesday November 8, 2016

Today may be the last day to register in your area if its not already too late.

So please get registered today and then vote out the HATE on Tuesday November 8, 2016.


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Saturday, October 8, 2016

Let's Make America Great Again!

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Thursday, October 6, 2016

Please Vote Against HATE On Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Clock Is Ticking.

If you choose the Democratic Team, then please go to I Will Vote.Com to Register or to check your Voter Status to make sure that you have not been Purged from the Registered Voter's Database.

But please hurry.

The time for unregistered voters to get registered is running out-if it has not already where you live.

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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Why Trump Has A Basket Of Deplorable s

Take A Look At His Basket Weaver.

Famously Racist

Steve Bannon Wikipedia

His Political Philosophy Steve Bannon's Manufactured Rightwing Scandals

If you listen to his plea for the Black Vote in this video, you will here this Racist, Steve Bannon's Influence magnifying what Donald J. Trump has always thought about All Black People anyway:

I don't know about you, but I am very happy to know Black People who do not fit this Racist Stereotype of who and what Donald Trump thinks of us all as a race of people.

This is actually what Donald Trump thinks about every Black American, which further points out the fact that he paints us All with a broad brush of Inferiority.

And he wants us to believe that someone with such a low opinion of African Americans as Human Beings could possibly have an incentive to believe in our ability to succeed as a result of voting for him?

And to add insult to injury, he was doing what far too many White Racists in America do: He was talking to an audience in a town that is 96.4% white about his expertise on the subject of Black People in America.

Listen up Black People!

And I am also speaking to Minorities of every color and all Fair Minded American Citizens no matter what your color.

Donald Trump thinks you're stupid.

I happen to believe that you're not.

Prove Donald Trump wrong on November 8, 2016.

Thank you!

The Clock Is Ticking.


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