Monday, June 25, 2018

Why Trump Staff Members Are Being Verbally Attacked In Public?

People Who Support, Advocate And Preach Hatred, Racism, Intolerance and who Commit Violent Acts Against Others Should Not Be Shocked By Attacks Against Them.

They are simply reaping the hate that they have sown since day one of Trump's announcement of his campaign; continuing into the present.

It's their hate coming home to roost.

Here's Why!

The most dangerous people on this earth are people who think they can say or do anything and hurt other human beings and not face the consequences.

These kinds of people are dangerous for you, me, society, the country and the world.

Just take a look around at what's been happening since Trump became president.

Trump and his administration and supporters are these kind of people.

And people who perpetrate hate, racism, intolerance and violence against others should not be shocked when they find those actions being directed back to them.

If yawl don't stop it.........What in the hell makes you believe that we will?

Thank you Auntie Maxine. In spite of what the media and some of your Fellow Weak Democratic Representatives are saying, I did not hear you call for physical attacks against these hateful people.

What I heard you say, was to just speak your mind and let them know just how you feel about them and what they are doing,just like Trump teaches them to do.

No battles are won by any group of people who do not meet and exceed the amount of force that is being used against them.

And if the Democratic Party continues to try this, they will be sent home again with their heads hung down again in 2018 and 2020.

Thank you Ms. Waters for having the courage to fight back against the enemy.

VOTE NOW, in 2020, and beyond to keep qualified principled people working in the White House running our government safely and efficiently


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