Tuesday, June 26, 2018

How We Got The Muslim Travel Band From The Supreme Court Today

The short answer is: that elections have consequences.

But in detail, it went a little something like this:

Step 1. We elected the First African American President in 2008 and then again in 2012.

That was a good thing.

Step 2. In the 2010 Midterm Elections, not enough people registered to vote and did not vote. And not enough registered voters voted,because either they didn't think that these local elections were important enough for them to participate in or they believed that we had arrived because we had our First African American President. This left Republicans free to run the table on Governors, Senators, Congressman, etc with very little if any, opposition.

So, we elected the First African American President, but we did not bother to elect his supporting staff to replace as many of the Racist Members of our government who had already made up their minds that they would rather see America fail then to see a Black Man Excel as President of the United States of America.

Step 3. Again, in the 2012 Midterm Elections, not enough people registered to vote and did not vote. And not enough registered voters voted,because either they didn't think that these local elections were important enough for them to participate in or they believed that we had arrived because we had our First African American President. This left Republicans free to run the table on Governors, Senators, Congressman, etc with very little if any, opposition.

As a result of Ignorance of the fact that the Board of Elections is a Local Entity-not a National One; or Political Apathy, this lack of participation allowed Republicans to Gerrymander Districts in their favor, change the voting policies and procedures in their favor and implement more Voter Suppression Techniques to make it easier for the people who vote for them to vote. And to make it harder, (if not impossible), for the people who don't vote for them to not vote.

At this point, we had a Black President who did not have the people that he needed, who wanted to work with him to make the country better, because of their Inherent White Privilege and Racism, which is deeply embedded in the DNA of America, (contrary to all of the ill informed people who are currently asking the question: What happened to our civility?)

Step 4. As a result of all the prior mistakes on far too many people's parts during the 2010 and 2014 Midterm Elections, we were confused and confounded by a Foreign Government, (Namely Russia), who conspired with the Trump Campaign to help him win the election against Hillary Clinton, because Putin knew that he could shape and mold the current idiot in the White House to prove to the rest of the world that Democracy is a failure.

They used a technique that people who have power and want to keep it, or those who don't have it but want it desperately have used throughout human history:


Step 5. Couldn't get excited about the most viable candidate Then we had people who decided that they weren't going to vote for the candidate with the best chance of winning the Presidential Election.

And in all fairness to people on the other political teams; Hillary was not a very good candidate either. However, in spite of that fact, Hilary, (although not charismatic as some of the others), she had the Technical Expertise and a firm grip of American and World Historical Knowledge and Constitutional Law, (unlike the current residents at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave), and would currently be doing a far better job at this point than the nightmare we are currently experiencing.

And for those who were made to believe that Hillary is a crook. I got news for you!

They all are.

So in the game of politics as it is in life, you have to make the best possible choices you can out of those that are available to you.

And guess what?-There are very few totally perfect choices to be had.

But I can almost guarantee you that those people who need SNAP, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the other Government Safety Nets that help people who can't help themselves, or helps people to get up on their feet and stand tall in society on their own, would not be in danger of becoming extinct like they are now.

Hillary would also not be kissing Vladimir Putin or Kin Jong Un asse's right now either.

Step 6. In 2016, (during the last year of President Obama's successful term in office), Mitch Mcconnell, who held on to his seat for the umteenth time in political history made up a new rule, where he claimed that a "Lame Duck", President cannot make a Supreme Court Judicial Appointment, (which was a lie), but because he did not have the necessary support staff to back him up, Ole Turtle Face was able to slide this Bullshit by on the American People.

By not voting in those Midterm Elections, we allowed the Perfect Political Storm to attack us and put our health, life and safety as individuals and the country as a whole in serious danger.

Chief Justice

John Roberts

Associate Justices

Anthony Kennedy

Clarence Thomas

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Stephen Breyer

Samuel Alito

Sonia Sotomayor

Elena Kagan

Neil Gorsuch,

So this should actually be Merrick Garland here. And today's decision should have been 5/4 in Liberals Favor as opposed to 5/4 in Conservatives Favor.

Add to that Hero Worship of a person instead of dedication to the cause.

The refusal of Bernie Sanders to concede in a timely manner and instructed his followers to support Hillary and Hillary did with her supporters when Barack Obama won the nomination.

James Comey's last minute letter about Hillary Clinton's Emails again!

And the Left, Democrat, Liberal and Progressive Wings of America was destined to fail.

Would things have been different with more people on the left participating in all of the elections leading up to Trump?

I don't know.

But what I will say is that, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, (that is the actual people who voted), by something like 3,000,000.

The difference was in the delegates that we allowed the Republican Party to choose for the Electoral College, and that is what won Trump the election-Delegates.

So even though I can't guarantee that more participation, organization and unity of purpose and votes would have kept Trump out; I can tell you this: We have another chance to get it right this time, and I don't believe that America will be recognizable if we don't.

Please Make America Great For The First Time, For Real, For Everybody.

Help us defeat Trump and his supporters now and then again in 2020.

Calling all Decent Human Beings-Black, White, Republican, Democrat, Independent, straight,Gay Religious, Non Religious, Atheists, Agnostic, etc.



VOTE NOW, in 2020, and beyond to keep qualified principled people working in the White House running our government safely and efficiently

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