Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Separating Families Through Violent Acts Is Nothing New For America.........It's In America's DNA

Don't ignore this because you feel that you have no connection to these people, because we do.

If these types of behaviours are allowed to be normalized by the United States Government, the question becomes: whose next?

This is why far too many people are so confused as to why America is so violent-It's because America was founded using violence.

19th-20th Century-Present Indian Removal

During the same time when America was fucking over the Indigenous People, they were also fucking over Africans.

They took the land from the Indigenous People with violence and then they forced the Africans to build up its economy and infrastructure, (including the White House), with violence.

18th-19th Century-Present Slavery

February 19, 1942 – March 20 Internment of Japanese Americans

This was also done to German Americans, German nationals,Italian Americans and Italian nationals at various points throughout history.

Of course things were also made hard for the Irish and other groups who immigrated to America. However,here's the difference: These other groups with white skin assimilated and became identified as White People far more easily than people of color, who because of their skin color can be identified immediately as the others. And it is impossible for people with these characteristics to be accepted as White, and they haven't been and never will be-not that we want to be.

All we want is equal treatment under the law as citizens of the United States of America.

If you have been watching the actions of the Blu Klux Klan over the years, you would obviously see that the unarmed man who was choked to death for selling loose cigarettes is treated far differently than the white man who murdered nine Black Members of a church, and was then taken to Burger King for a meal.

The black man went to the morgue-and the police who were seen on video by the entire world choking this man to death were not punished in any way, which is what continues to send the message that if you have a badge, you can murder Black People with Impunity.

And the White Man went to get a Whopper, Fries and a Milkshake.

And that brings us to the current crises with the Immigrants being separated from their families while the people responsible blame everything and everybody else except themselves.

And they are the ones who are initiating these types of inhumane and unlawful policies to please a small number of Hateful Idiots who are missing the Humanity Gene from their DNA.

And they have a Nazi, Racist, White Nationalist Leader who only governs for them and doesn't give a damn about the rest of America at all.

And so I am asking everybody who has witnessed what happened when 46-1 came down the escalator, and everything that has occurred since, to please not be shocked like all of the great minds in law enforcement, government, the media, etc.

It's time to stop being shocked by things that most observant individuals already know are things that this administration is trying to force upon this country as being normal again.

So together, let's stop being shocked, awed and amazed by the actions of 46-1 and his Racist Minions like Mike Pence and Jeff Sessions.

Instead, remain observant, pissed off, Politically Active in every way, so that we can stop this dumb shit before it does become normal in this country.

Because if it does become normal, not only will the people of color at the borders become targets, but the people of color who are already here, (who are already targets will become bigger targets), to the point of Genocide, which is already in process.

Calling all Decent Human Beings-Black, White, Republican, Democrat, Independent, straight,Gay Religious, Non Religious, Atheists, Agnostic, etc. GET BUSY!


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