Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Whoopi Goldberg Likens Donald Trump's Administration To The Taliban

Me Too!

The only way you can miss this is if you are Naive, Blind, Living in a Rightwing Hate Bubble or Bought and Paid for by Trump and his Minions.

Of course, there have been no beheadings - yet!

But according to public records, there have already been Sexual Assault and Rape.

Voyeurism at beauty pageants including teenage beauty pageants.

Crooked Business Deals that caused thousands of Low Wage Employees to lose their jobs.

Building with Cheap and Inferior Materials and paying Building Inspectors and Local, State and Federal Government Officials to look the other way, (which in effect is also Criminal Behaviour).

Color Coding Rental Applications to Deliberately Discriminate against African Americans, (or as his system indicated -C for Colored).

Discrimination in Hiring and Promotion Practices at his many business locations.

Ordering Russia to commit acts of Treason against the United States by Hacking into the Email Servers of his Political Opponent.

Taking sides with Vladimir Putin and Russia over the American Intelligence Community where the people are who do the dangerous and deadly work that keep this country safe everyday.

And all of these things occurred before Dumb Ass People in a Dumb Ass Country made him President.

Violations of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Violation of American Values and other Laws that make us who we are.

Termination of Legal Authorities who were doing their jobs in defense of the Constitution and this country's laws.

Issuing Threats against the Media, Private Enterprises, Government Employees and everything and everyone else who gets in the way of these Criminal's Evil, Self Serving Agendas.

And there are far too many documented acts by Donald Trump and his Band of Criminals, Liars and Thieves that prove the usual stereotype about far too many Rich People who Think That They Are Above The Law, (even regarding the laws that all successful presidents had to follow to remain in office previously).

And even though the beheadings have not began - yet!, the Constitutional Abuses of Americans in and out of Government have; which means the potential for this Crooked, Evil Administration to create a Taliban Type Government right here in America, (if they are not stopped in Dead In Their Tracks), is a real possibility.

So, actually in view of Donald Trumps's past and present behaviour along with those of, Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus, Sean Spicer, Kellyanne Conway and a host of other Criminals, Liars, Thieves, Fake Ass Patriots, Fake Ass Christians, etc - Whoopi Goldberg is absolutely right about Trump being like the Taliban.

But here's the good news:

Donald Trump and his Band of Lowlifes are not the ones to decide rather or not this country becomes a Totalitarian Government like the Taliban.

It is up to us the American People to put Pressure; (Political, Donations and Otherwise), on Donald Trump and the people who are supposed to represent our True American Values as they are written in the so called "Sacred Documents" of the so called "Founding Fathers".

And I say so called because, unlike "The True Americans" that Donald Trump's Administration caters to who are "White Only". The only thing that they "Founded" for me and my people and the Original Natives of this land was Slavery, Abuse, Pain,Torture and Death.

So the decision as to rather or not we want this nation to return to those Inhumane Ugly times, or if we want to pick up where President Obama left off and make this a "More Perfect Union" for all of this nation's people", then Inaction Is Not An Option.

And Resistance is Absolutely Necessary.

Impeach Donald Trump & Arrest Him & His Band of Racists, Liars and Thieves Now!

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