Saturday, February 11, 2017

Honestly! I Have Never Heard Of A Doomsday Clock Until Donald Trump Became President

The clock predicts the likelihood of a Global Catastrophe based on how close the clock is to Midnight.

And since Donald Trump's Election in Combination with other factors like Climate Change, which Conservative Republicans who are now in the majority in our Government promote as a hoax, the clock is now set to 2-1/2 minutes to Midnight.

The only time that this clock was closer than it is now is when it was set at 2 minutes to Midnight back in 1953, because of all the Nuclear Threats during the Cold War Between the United States and Russia, which is Trump's favorite country now.

Watch this indepth video for a complete explanation and understanding of the clock's history, purpose and function.

Translation: We Are In Deep Shit!

You can read about the Doomsday Clock at the link below.

The Doomsday Clock


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