Saturday, February 4, 2017

Here's What Trump's Administration Is Up To-And More!

They want to make this a good ole fashion Christian Nation.

You know! Just like these good ole boys who were Devout Christians.

Who Murdered, Raped, Burned and Lynched everyone who was not like them. You know: Niggers, Jews, Catholics, Immigrants, Fags, etc.

Oh! for those who are offended by the word Niggers; Fuck the "N Word".

Trump didn't use "N Word", when he was sued for keeping African Americans out of his rental properties.

Trump didn't use "N Word", when he told his Non African American Staff Members to keep African American Employees out of his sight when he visited one of his properties because he said; "They make my facilities look less classy".

It means the same fucking thing. And when Donald Trump, Steve Bannon and the rest of his band of White Nationalist's Brethren talk about us in private, or in front of the few Grinning and Chinning Uncle Toms who he surrounds himself with,(who will tolerate that bullshit because they miss the Plantation and Massa so much); trust me! They do not say "N Words".

They say just what I said above: "Niggers".

So listen up!

As Donald Trump said during his entire campaign; the time for "Political Correctness is over".

Things are already dangerous and ugly and are only going to get worse if our government and the other institutions that were supposed to be designed to protect our Democracy from Tyrants like Donald J. Trump continue to ignore all of the legal, ethical, social and political violations that this administration has committed, (not in the first 100 days),but in the first week.

If these institutions continue to allow the Trump Administration to Systematically Neutralize or Destroy them without swift and effective retaliation, we will no longer have an America.

2 of our main institutions have already failed us.

The FBI's Director, James Comey with his Hillary Clinton Emails Attack, 2 weeks prior to a National Presidential Election,and then again by discovering that the Russians had been interfering with this election in favor of Donald Trump and against Hillary Clinton and not doing a damn thing about it.

And when asked why he couldn't release any information concerning Donald Trump's connection to Russia and his other Criminal and Treasonous Activities; he responded by saying that he didn't want to influence the election.

This was after he announced to congress that he might have to open another investigation into Hillary Clinton's Email Scandal, because they found some more emails on a computer used by Anthony Weiner and his wife 2 weeks prior to the election, about 48 hours after Congressman, Jason Chaffetz Threatend to investigate Hillary Clinton if she wins as long as she remains president.

Also remember! In most situations when corrupt people have something to hide, they know that the best way to do this is to hide it right under your nose or in your face.

If you were alert during the entire month before the election when Donald Trump didn't appear to have a chance because he was so far behind in the polls; did you notice how calm his surrogates were?

Did you notice how Trump kept asking Russia to hack into Hillary Clinton's Emails?

Did you hear Trump telling the FBI that he was very disappointed with the fact that they had not done enough to investigate and prosecute Hillary Clinton?

Did you notice the responses from Rudy Giuliani, Kellyanne Conway and several other Top Trump Surrogates when they were asked if they were worried about how far ahead Hillary Clinton was in the polls?

In case you missed it-they all said no; they were not worried because they had some things up their sleeves.

Several members of Trump's team had and continues to have significant financial dealings with Russia, including Trump himself, (which is why the American People will never see his tax returns), until he is forced to show them as the result of a Legitimate Criminal Investigation.

And right now, Donald Trump and his Band of Criminals are stealing America right out from under all of us, right in front of our faces, and using slight of hand and distraction to do it, because he thinks that we are not paying attention to his bullshit.

But I am so proud to say that Americans are not only paying attention, they are reacting and responding to the Racism, Hatred, Greed and Corruption of what appears to be The Most Corrupt Presidential Administration in modern history.

And I hope that "We The People" will continue to pay attention and react and respond until this administration is Prosecuted To The Fullest Extent Of The Law.

Thank you America for Rising Up against Racism, Hatred, Greed and a Psychotic Dictator who thinks he is Above The Laws that every other president before him had to follow to legally remain in office.

Hell No!

Impeach Donald Trump & Arrest Him & His Band of Racists, Liars and Thieves Now!

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