Monday, November 3, 2014

What Republicans Really Want For America?

What is the Negative Impact of African Americans, Woman, Seniors and Young People not Voting for Democrats in these Midterm Elections?

Let's start with this one fact, which is a fact rather you know it or not, or rather you acknowledge it or not: If Democrats lose then we all lose.

"We" being the people who are Not Rich, Not Powerful and Not Well Connected to the Rich and Powerful.

"We" are Average American Citizens on different levels of the Social Ladder,(including your's truly),who are always looking for programs, services and support that can help us to improve upon life in many of the most important areas of our life like, Health, Happiness, Financial Security and Opportunities that are Fair to everyone who is willing to do the Hard Work and Make the Necessary Sacrifices to Succeed.

If Democrats lose the Senate, then the Balance of Power will be nonexistent.

If Democrats lose the House and keep the Senate, then the Hateful, Racists Obstruction of the President will continue.

Ultimately! We need to Increase Our Numbers In The Senate and Completely Take Over The House.

Now I know that if you have been listening to the Political Statisticians and Analyst and even our Democratic Leaders, they all claim that taking both Houses of Congress is damn near impossible, but let me tell you why they think that.

It's because first of all, Republicans have systematically implemented a complex and deceptive program of Voter Suppression all over the country that has been quite effective in reducing the number of voters that come out and vote for Democrats.

This Voter Suppression System has also redrawn many districts that once used to contain many Democratic Voters and turned them into districts that are mostly Republican.

This is why Republicans have been so bold in their Hate Speak against Minorities, Seniors, Young People the Poor, and yes the President.

They say very hateful things during the times when they are running in their own districts,(hoping you are not paying attention), then once they feed their base with hatred, (which they all eat up so willingly), when they reach the National Level of Political Competition, then they try to walk back all of the Racists and Hateful and Greedy things that they said, and they try to make you forget about the legislation that they all supported to make sure that things go their way.

In other words, they lie to the American People even beyond what a Normal Politician would.

Now they are so Deceptive that they even convince the people who follow them with no teeth, no healthcare, no future and those who live in rundown housing properties out in Rural America, that they have their best interest at heart, and then when the elections are over and they've convinced these Poor People to vote for them, they forget about them again, and then go back to catering to Rich and Powerful People and Corporations.

So what Republicans will have the ability to do if we lose in the Midterm Elections is to: 1. Impeach President Obama, (for no other reason than the fact that he is BLACK and they Hate Him).

2. Destroy the efforts to increase the Minimum Wage, (so that their Rich Friends and Corporations), can make people work for nothing and split the savings with them.

3. Take away a Woman's Right to Control Her Own Body. 4. Further reduce Fair and Equal Opportunities for Minorities.

5. Take away millions of people's Healthcare by Repealing Obamacare.

6. Destroy efforts to take care of the Sick, the Poor and the children who fall into these categories.

7. Make it legal for Police Officers and Regular White Citizens to kill Black People and other Minorities which they are afraid of because they know that these populations will soon be considered The Majority.

8. Continue to block the President's Jobs Bill.

9. Continue to block President's Efforts to fix our Crumbling Roads, Bridges, Streets and Highways, (which also creates jobs and economic growth).

10. Set African Americans and other Minorities in this country back by 50 years and beyond.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of what is at stake during these Midterm Elections, if you, me and everybody else does not get out and vote to protect the Democratic Majority.

Now I know that many of you have heard Democrats from Racists States trying to distance themselves from the President, but please to all of you who reside in these states where these candidates have turned their back on the President, please vote for them anyway-because even these Democrats will be easier to manage within the Democratic Party than Republicans if they win.

One more thing, don't fall for President Obama's "Low Approval Ratings".

It's not true that he is not doing a good job with what he has had to work with and who he has had to work with; it's just another trick that people like the Koch Brothers and other Rich Racists, and Networks like FOX News have created and have sold to far too many Unsuspecting Citizens.

Here's the truth: The Republicans who we are trying to vote out of congress during these Midterm Elections have refused to do their jobs, and have done everything that they could to make you believe that it's the president's fault.

Don't fall for this!

Get out and Vote these Bastards for good.


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