Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Education, Registration, Organization, Continuation

That's what my parents did to give me the Freedom and Benefits that I have now that were not present during their time; just like their parents took steps to make the lives of my parents better than theirs was.

All the way back to slavery.

If it were not for the things that our Fore Parents and Ancestors did to survive, rather you were dragged here on a ship or rather you came voluntarily as an immigrant searching for "The American Dream"; our previous generations made tremendous sacrifices up to and including death so that the next generation could be better off than they were.

I hope that all of the efforts and sacrifices that these people all made for us will come to fruition as the polls close tonight.

The choices are very simple: 1. You can refuse to vote which will give your decision to someone else.

2. You can vote for Republicans and align yourself with people who want to take away everything that our fore parents worked so hard to achieve for us, which means that you probably bought into the Bullshit that makes you think that President Obama refused to work with Republicans in Congress and that is why the country is so messed up.

When in fact, the truth is just the opposite of what Republicans are saying, (and usually is).

Republicans made up their minds a long time ago that they were going to cause President Obama to fail because he was the First African American President, and that the way they were going to do this was to just say no to everything that he proposes, (even if it was originally their own idea).

And there are some who say that we need to get him out so that Washington can work again.

But if you buy into that, than you are buying into and accepting RACISM as a Standard Accepted Practice in all aspects of American Life.

If you choose that, than even though you may not see the consequences of that personally right now-trust me! It will come back to bite you in the ass eventually.

3. Or, you can just get out and fight for the people who have been fighting for the majority of people in this country who are not Rich, Powerful or Well Connected-That would be Democrats.

Doing so, will give us a better chance at continuing with the successes and progress that President Obama and other Democrats have been working on for over 50 years now.

So it's really quite that simple:

Move Forward!

Or, Go Backwards......

The power is in your hands today, but will be gone in the morning.

Take control now and VOTE.

Thank you,


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