Saturday, November 1, 2014

A Message To All Democrats! The Senate Should Be A Consolation Prize Not The Goal


Don't get me wrong,because I am indeed a Lifelong Democrat who believes in and supports the Democratic Party and the Democratic Values that they represent.

And I do believe that a Democratic Victory across the board would be the most advantageous outcome for the country as a whole come this November 4, 2014 and beyond. However, as my knowledge of politics and my experiences with politics, (especially in the current Toxic Political Environment),has increased, I've learned that one of those values that used to be attractive and effective for Democrats is now outdated and ineffective as a result of the tactics and scams which are so adequately deployed by the New Ultra Conservative Rightwing Hate Movement which came our of the cracks of our nations deepest and darkest recesses where Racism and Hatred had been lying in wait for such an event, as the one that occurred on November 4, 2008, which was the "Legal Election" of the First African American President, Barack Obama.

It is important to note that even though the misinformed or those suffering from Intense Racial Denial believe or believed that Racism was dead in America, was and is sadly mistaken.

Racism didn't die, it just became more sophisticated and as a result, more deceptive.

Just because the Language of Racism is not as obvious as it used to be, and just because you don't hear the Racial Epithets that I remember hearing on a daily basis, does not mean that the Hatred, Fear and Ignorance that fuels Racism is dead. Therefore, Racism in America has never been and is not dead.

It just went underground and the Racist started to Discriminate in less obvious ways, but in ways that none the less were harmful to Minorities,(especially The Most Notable and Hated Minority Group of them all in America): Black People.

This is evident in all of the Unjustifiable Assaults and Murders of many of our Black Men and Woman and the laws that were implemented and passed by Racists Politicians that make it possible for these Attackers and Murderers to commit these Inhumane Acts without prosecution-Laws like "Stand Your Ground" or the "Castle Doctrine".

And than there is the matter of the Gross Injustices experienced by Black People who commit the same or lesser crimes as White People who are forced by the Criminal Justice System to serve more time for the same or lesser crimes.

White People smoke just as much Marijuana as Black People do, but for some reason, Black People are convicted far more frequently than White People and face longer sentences than do White People. A prime example of these types of injustices is George Zimmerman who stalked, hunted and murdered Trayvon Martin in Florida after Police Officials told him not to.

George Zimmerman is still free and still getting in trouble with the law and still free.

But, Marissa Alexander who was a repeated victim of Domestic Violence in the same State of Florida, is facing 20 years for shooting a warning shot in the air to try and scare her abusive husband so that he would not attack her again.

Now what's wrong with this picture?

If you don't know the answer, than I am obviously not talking to you.

However, for those who are paying attention, (especially those of you who are considered to be Democratic Leaders), I say to you that, Meekness, Humbleness and Settling for Less are not Democratic Values that will serve us well against the enemy who seeks to destroy us and all of the progress that we have made as Democrats for more than 60 years now.

These Democratic characteristics are clearly on display as demonstrated by the Primary Mandate for this Midterm Election which is to "Keep the Senate".

How hard are we willing to work to fight for what we believe in and to take it all.

The Mandate should be to increase our numbers in the Senate and to take back the House, (which is where the real Hatred and Racism is stopping this country and the President from creating jobs, improving our educational systems, rebuilding our infrastructure, helping our poor citizens, taking care of our sick people and to making sure that anyone can afford healthcare services), which is an undeniable human need, just like air, water, food, shelter and clothing.

I know that accomplishing these things are hard, but their not impossible. And in fairness to the Leadership of the Democratic Party, many of these low level goals of the Democratic Party are based on their knowledge of the failure of the people who have the most to lose who refuse to get up off their asses and vote, and then follow through after the elections by attending meetings, making their wants, needs and desires known to those who oppose us and then teaching others to do the same.

So the victims of the system as it currently exists has to do their part as well, to bring about the "Change" that we claimed we wanted when we supported the election of President Obama in 2004 and then reelected him again in 2012.

Don't ever forget that President Obama did not run on change he can believe in.

He ran on "Change We Can Believe In".

It's never been just about President Obama, (and he has made that clear time and time again).

It has always been about you!

So to Democratic Leaders I say, lets make keeping the Senate a Consolation Prize and not the goal.

The goal is keeping the Senate and taking back the House from the Racists who are destroying this country.

To all Registered Voters, I say, please exercise your right to vote on November 4, 2014, and even if you missed the deadline to register to vote, help seniors, sick people, the disabled and others who cannot get to the polls to get there so that they can vote.

And then please! Recognize the Enthusiasm and Determination of the sick, the elderly and the disabled people who know how important it is for them to vote for the Government that they want to serve them and the removal of those in Government who don't.

And then get registered to vote yourself for future elections and then all of you can vote together, which may just give the Democratic Leadership the Confidence they need to fight to take it all; like our opponents the Republicans always do.

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