Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Enough Of This Politically Manufactured Outrage Over Libya

On September 11, 2012, (the anniversary of the attacks against America on September 11, 2001); the American Embassy was attacked in Libya killing four Americans including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

Now of course, the Republicans are not just asking questions or launching a legitimate, professional investigation of the matter.

Instead, they are using this incident that took American lives to exploit and hijack the election which is only 21 days away, because Mitt Romney has nothing to offer the American People when the truth is told.

The only thing that Mitt Romney and his cohorts can offer this country of any perceived value, (by low information people who don’t know any better), or those who just don’t care about the truth, is the lie that he can do things better than they are already being done.

To those who are willing to accept lies or do anything just to get Obama out of the Whitehouse, (which is what the Republicans publically announced as their primary goal), then this fiasco is just what the doctor ordered.

But if you are aware of the president’s accomplishments both foreign and domestic over the past 4 years, and the opposition that he has had to face in pursuit of those accomplishments, then you know that what the Republicans are doing is using an incident that President Obama really had no control over, (nor would any other president in American History), and use the fact that war is hell for any human being including the president to further discredit and degrade the legitimacy of this president.

These are the facts: Libya is:4870.8 Miles ,( 7838.8 Kilometers / 4229.8 Nautical Miles ) from the Whitehouse. The approximate flight duration time from Washington DC to Tripoli is 10 hrs, 7 mins.

Even with the Hi-Tech Equipment that the president has at his disposal, in the fog of war or a violent attack, no one has the time to accurately analyze, deduce and disseminate with any real accuracy, the exact nature of a violent event, until the dust has settled on that event.

And this is exactly how this incident was reported.

First, the administration thought that the attack was a spontaneous event in response to an anti-Islamic film that was produced here in America.

This is the information that was available initially, and this is what the Obama Administration reported to the American People.

As more information became available, like the revelation that the attack was a well-planned, coordinated attack by professional terrorist, then they released that to the public.

Is it possible that the Obama Administration didn’t get all the facts right initially?


Is it possible that the Obama Administration may have withheld information from the public about this attack?

Yes it is possible!

Wow! A Presidential Administration that withholds information from the public-that’s new!

But as a matter of fact, I just want to make it clear that the President, Congress, the Senate, the Intelligence Community and any other governmental agency very rarely releases unfiltered information to the general public.

Is that an uncomfortable reality?


But is it a realty of this administration, and all those that came before it?

Yes it is!

Do not be fooled.

All of the information that you get from your city councilman all the way up to your president is filtered before you hear it.

So don’t fall for the Republican’s convenient outrage just 21 days before the election.

They are still playing the “Catch 22 Game”.

They paint this president as an inferior product, while demanding more than superior performance from him as a human being, and as an elected official.

If you will think back to the day of this unfortunate incident, you will remember that Mitt Romney’s Campaign was so desperate to gain a political advantage over the Obama Administration that he immediately began to attack the president before any of the facts were even known.

And then he continued to shamelessly do this, even to the point of using the name of one of the soldiers who died during the attack as a Political Trophy so much so, that the young man’s mother had to come out and ask the Romney Campaign to stop using her son’s name to attack President Obama.

The bottom line is: The truth of what happened will come out, just like the truth came out about Mitt Romney’s true feelings about 47% of the people in this country who he more or less classified as Freeloaders and Bums.

So, I am asking all of you who are suffering from Election Information Overload to just block this BS out, and look at President Obama’s Record over the past 4 years, and the hatred, greed and racism that he has had to overcome, which leads any logical person to wonder what would have been possible for this country, if the Republicans would have learned that all important skill in politics known as “Compromise”.

Did the Obama Administration have knowledge about this attack in advance of its occurrence?

The current evidence does not indicate that this administration had intelligence that forwarned them of these attacks.

But we do know one president who did know about a possible attack and apparently ignored the intelligence reports that indicated that it might happen.

And one other thing that we have seen proven consistently about this president, that should make most sensible Americans comfortable, is the fact that when this president says he is going to bring justice to those who are responsible for these attacks, these are not just empty promises, like the ones made by the president before him, who later said, "I don't think much about him anymore". "He's just one man".

This is what he said about Osama Bin Laden, after standing in the ruble from the destruction of the World Trade Center proclaiming to the fire fighters and other emergency reponse workers with bull horn in hand, swearing the he would avenge the death of the more than 3000 American who were killed in that attack.

Well he didn't!

But President Obama did!

So to all of you Right Wing Hate Mongers who are spitting this shit out of your mouths, I’ve got just 3 words and 3 numbers for you to remember:

George W. Bush



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