Tuesday, October 16, 2012

2 Hours & 29 Minutes To Register To Vote

Just an important reminder of the fact that as of right now, you have exactly 2 hours and 29 minutes to register to vote in Maryland, (check the schedule for your particular location), for the upcoming Presidential Election on November 6, 2012.

If you are not registered, I appeal to you to do so, simply because, the people who are trying to take away our freedom, rights and chances for equal opportunity in this country do not out number us.

They have more money than all of us, but they don’t have the numbers they need to take over the world, (which is what these Parasitic Elitists would really like to do).

There have always been people who want to dominate and rule over other classes of people-People like Hitler, Napoleon and of course the Slave Masters.

Why haven’t they been able to permanently obtain Global Dominance?

It’s because even though they are very powerful and wealthy, they have never had the numbers that they need to conquer the world, and everybody in it.

So it is with the situation that we are now facing in this upcoming election.

The Rightwing Ruling Class and the people who assist them by not digging deep beneath their fictitious rhetoric, (who therefore blindly follow them by voting against their own best interests), are few in number.

But what the Elitists who control this handful of people do know is that, even though Average People outnumber them, they know that the majority of people are Apathetic and will not be moved to action against them.

This is why they continue to oppress the masses and control the wealth and power of the world.

So now that we are heading towards the most important political battle of our time, (that being the upcoming Presidential Election), once again, the numbers of the common people are important.

So if you are not registered to vote, and you have plans for your life that include improving your current economic, health, career or educational development, you may want to make your voice heard by voting for the administration that is an advocate for the types of programs that facilitate these objectives.

Please register now and vote for Obama/Biden on November 6, 2012.

Thank you,


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