Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Message To Those Who Don’t See The Significance Of Politics And Voting.

I’ve been where you are.

However, because of the fact that I was raised in a very politically active home, a very politically active time in history; and have a solid knowledge of the history of where I came from, where I am at, and where I want to go in life; even now, when I get those kind of defeatist attitudes about politics; these feelings always seem to disappear.

And I am glad that they do.

Because I am proud to have played a small part in making history on November 4, 2008, by being one of many thousands, who voted for Senator Obama, which resulted in the Legal and Successful Election of the First African American President in the United States of America. Of course, this monumental accomplishment did not just happen. It happened over hundreds of years, with thousands of people making small and sometimes deadly contributions to the causes of Freedom, Justice and Equality.

Millions of people in America were beaten and killed throughout time, in order to make this historical event a reality. And now, just as it has been in the past, each and every time certain groups of people who are not considered equal, makes phenomenal progress towards that end, the dark and evil forces of hatred, (which until the election of President Obama), had been working behind the scenes and underground, seems to resurface with even more hateful vigor then they had before the victory.

Such is the case now with this upcoming presidential election. These dark and evil forces could not stop America from making history by choosing the best man for the job back in 2008, (which just happened to be an African American), so they set out to create a plan to rewrite history by forcing his failure through hatred, greed, racism and every other ism that they could find to attack this president with.

And not only did the level of hatred and racists attacks escalate towards President Obama, but these attacks also escalated against the people who look like President Obama, as well as against those who support President Obama who do not look like him. So, here we are at a point in our history again, where we need people to be as politically active, (if not more so) then in 2008. And it is probably a more so situation because of the new deliberate attempts by these same dark forces, to take away the rights of those who contributed in a major way to the election of President Obama in 2008.

So I am asking you to please consider the fact that even if you don’t see how all of this directly affects you or your family now and in the future, I just want you to look back through our history with honest reflection, because I am sure that if you do, you will realize that voting is important, because the things that happen down here are always influenced by what is happening up there.

And short of a bloody revolution, voting is the only way to make sure that the people up there give a damn about the people down here. Currently, you have 2 major political parties to choose from. One of these parties believes that if you are poor, it’s your own damn fault.

If you are uneducated, it is your own damn fault.

If you are sick, it is your own damn fault.

There is no luck of the draw, no Gene Pool, no Environmental Factors, no Socialization, no Racism, Hatred or Discrimination, and no unforeseen, unpreventable tragedies that can make or break a human being.

Therefore, you should not have any kind of assistance to allow you to rise above any difficult circumstances that may befall you. This is also the party that is trying to take away the right of minorities, students and seniors, (all groups who came out in great numbers to successfully elect President Obama).

The other Party has historically been supportive of Civil Rights, Human Rights, Woman’s Rights, Affirmative Action, (Which is currently being litigated again in the Supreme Court), as I write, and supportive of programs to help the sick, the poor and those citizens in our country who just don’t have the resources, circumstances, connections or knowledge to move ahead.

They at least believe that everyone should have an equal chance to achieve the American Dream, if they have what it takes to achieve it and are willing to work hard for it.

The other party believes that they should have success simply because they are them.

That kind of attitude has never been, and will never be good for you, your family or America, unless you are one of them, which means that you are already rich, powerful and well connected.

If this is not your station in life, and you have any intentions on moving up the ladder of social mobility, through student loans, small business loans, home mortgage loans, healthcare, fair taxes etc.-you may want to go here now and register to vote and get out on November 6, 2012 and cast your vote for Democracy.

If you don't see a link, please copy and paste the address into your internet browser. The deadline to register in Maryland is October 16, 2012@9:00PM. Please exercise your Right and your Civic Responsibility to vote.

It is the only time that the person on welfare, the janitor or the everyday average American Citizen is equal to the millionaires and billionaires when they step into the voting booth.

And for all of you who still think your one vote doesn’t count, you need to wake up and look around you to see just exactly what is going on that affects you and those you claim to love.

If your one vote does not count, then tell me why so many rich people like The Koch Brothers, Karl Rove, Sheldon Adelson, Donald Trump and a host of others are willing to spend billions of dollars on blocking your vote, or getting you to vote for the wrong person?

And last and certainly not least, if you really don’t care about your community, family, friends, or don’t want shit out of life anyway, then you most likely did not read this far anyway.

To all of you who do give a damn, please register and get out and vote for Democracy instead of Plutocracy on November 6, 2012.


This is no joke.

The team we elect to Govern America on November 6, 2012 will have a tremendous effect, (either positively or negatively), on this country for the next 50 years.


The next president in all probability will appoint new judges to the Supreme Court.

This is why I say that we must reelect President Obama and Joe Biden, and then we have to get out and vote for the Senators and Congressman who are going to work with them to repair and rebuild America for us all.

So vote now in this national election and in all of your local elections to insure that your community gets the best possible chances for success through Justice, Fairness and Equality of opportunities.

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