Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Where In The World Is; (Rush Limbaugh?)

I don't know where he is, but I know where he is not.

He is not in Florida or any of the other states where those who were foolish enough to follow him off a cliff by remaining in areas where hard hitting hurricanes destroyed life and property.

Let this be a lesson to you that just because people use the term "Conspiracy" or "Fake News" for Profit, or for Profit & Political Gain, does not mean that they are telling you the truth.

It means that they are simply using simple, feeble minded people to make Profits and to gain Political Advantage against the opponent By Using YOU!

Besides; if you were paying attention to Rush Limbaugh and people like him, you would have known that he was Full of SHIT when he said before President Obama won the first time that he would leave the country if he did.

President Obama won in 2008, and Rush Limbaugh is still here.

President Obama won again in 2012.

Rush Limbaugh is still here.

Did you really think that a person like Rush Limbaugh who has no principals was going to leave your money on the table for a principal; just because a Black Man became president?

Of course not!

He didn't leave then, and he didn't stay with you fools now in Florida after calling Hurricane Irma a "Fake News Conspiracy".

When will you people stop allowing Rich People like Rush Limbaugh and the others like him, (yes that includes YOUR PRESIDENT), Donald J. Trump to take the little bit of money that your poor asses have by telling you lies that your Hateful, Itching Ears want to hear.

I guess never!

lease get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

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