Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Thanks To Everyone Who Helped Save Obamacare Again!

Thank you Senator, John McCain R, Arizona & Senator Susan Collins, R Maine for your participation in helping to save Obamacare again, so that innocent people would not have to die just so 45 can prove a point.

These 2 Senators realized that something this important should not be done without both parties participating and not without the American People speaking their minds in hearings that are designed to help leaders make informed decisions on important issues that affects the people of America-And not uninformed stupid rushed decisions that would cause millions of people to lose their healthcare and possibly their lives.

And most importantly Thank You-ALL the Americans who didn't just sit back and say "Someone ought to do something" by realizing that they are the someone who ought to do something.

But as far as this joker is concerned, I give him credit for his "No Vote", but he does not get any credit for his reasoning.

He like many members of the "Freedom Caucus" who were opposed to this and the other bills to kill Obamacare did not want the bill to fail for the same reasons as the Senators listed above. They simply did not think the bill kicked enough people off of healthcare and did not send enough money to those donors who demanded that they kill Obamacare so that they can get the Massive Tax Cuts that they demanded.

In addition, they feel that every vestige of President Obama's Signature Legislation should be totally destroyed, and that the First African American President should be written into the history books as a failure or written out of the history books altogether.


Because he is Black, Did Well & Successfully United the country, (with the exception of those who are going to Hate no matter what), for the benefit of as many Americans as possible.

Was he perfect?

Hell No!

Were the White Presidents before him perfect?

Hell No!

So the only difference was his Dark Skin.

The Calls

The Public Protests

The Petitions

The Blogs

The Observant & Active Media Outlets

The Sharing of Information

Community Leaders

Politicians with Conscious

Religious Leaders



But don't celebrate too long; because Evil Never Sleeps & Never Quits.

If you don't believe me, pay attention to the times on some of 45's Tweets.

They will regroup and try again and again and again as we have witnessed for the past 9 + years.

The will be back.

So We'll have to be ready to start the resistance all over again.

But in the meantime, let's celebrate another victory against a Very Evil and Dangerous Government Tyrant & his Evil Minions who do his bidding for him, (which just for the record are all lawyered up now) Wink! Wink!.

Great Job True America............

One thing people who HATE can't stand is people who LOVE.

Let's not be manipulated to our own detriment by this Racist, Greedy, Hateful Fake Ass Patriotic, Criminal Enterprise that Donald Trump has set up in "The People's House" .

We Want Our Country Back!

It's never been perfect and most likely will never be. But before Trump; at least we were moving in the right direction.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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