Thursday, January 12, 2017

Why This Presidency Is Causing Such Historical Levels Of Confusion & Difficulty In America

If you are confused and overwhelmed by all of the Confirmation Hearing Political Speak, Breaking News and trying to decipher and decode just exactly what the hell is happening to America right now-here is a very simple explanation that may or may not help you to understand.

If it does clarify things for you, then that will make me feel like I accomplished what I set out to do; which is to stop all of the Decent Fair Minded American Citizens who really want what's best for America from being confused as to why what is happening now is not good for America.

If this blog does not clarify this mess for you, then at least I know that I tried.

The problem that we have right now with all of the people that Trump is trying to force on the majority of Americans who did not vote for him are human problems that we all have; we all do things to benefit ourselves first. And, there's nothing wrong with this, because this is a natural Survival System built into all of us to help us continue to exist.

However, some people after they meet the mandate to survive also focus on helping others to do the same.

And if you are a leader in America, then not only is it your job to see that other Americans survive, but you are also responsible for increasing the chances for as many Americans as possible who work hard, make sacrifices and play by the rules to succeed. And I say increasing the chances for success, because there are no guarantees no matter what you do, that you are going reach each and everyone of your life goals.

And anyone who has tried, or is still trying to achieve something significant in their lives knows about these risks and are willing to take them in pursuit of a chance of living their dreams.

But the key to all of this confusion can be found in the Freudian Slip contained in this exchange between Dr. Ben Carson and Senator, Elizabeth Warren when she asked one simple question.

To be fair, after the slip,(which I consider to be the truth for Donald Trump and everyone that he is associated with who are mostly Selfish, Liars, Evil, Corrupt, Greedy, Hateful and Racist).

Why do I feel that way?

Because "Birds of a feather flock together". And, "You are always judged by the company you keep".

Watch and listen closely.

Dr. Ben Carson "It Will Not Be My Intention to do Anything to Benefit Any American".

Even though this was a mistake in his mental processing while answering a plain and simple yes or no question; and the fact that he immediately corrected himself-His words are actually the truth about most if not all of the people that Donald Trump has chosen to govern over this country; including the majority who did not choose him as president.

These confirmation hearings are being filled with a lot of unnecessary fluff, and Softball Questions and Comments from Republicans, in order to facilitate the successful confirmation of the people that they know will serve them,(which is what the hell most of the people who didn't vote for Hillary Clinton should have been doing during the election), instead of allowing RightWing Conservative Republicans to make them think that their job was to be Judge, Jury and Executioner of Hillary Clinton, (which we now know was also assisted by Russia), who is a dangerous enemy of the state.

The reason why this Presidential Transition is filled with so much Hatred, Evil, Racism, Vitriol and Confusion is because of Donald Trump. A person who was chosen to be president by a Minority of Americans.

A man who feels that he is "Above The Law", and does not have to conform to any of the conditions that every president before him had to conform to; such as respecting the concept of the "Free Press".

Everybody has faults, evil characteristics and shortcomings, but when it comes to people who are in Positions of Power that can either enhance or destroy the lives of millions of Americans, the dangerous ones are the ones who won't admit to the fact that they are human and have, can and will continue to make mistakes,(which is something that my President: President Obama did from day one). So to make a long story short:

The problem is Donald J. Trump and his Merry Band of Misfits who will say or do anything to put themselves in positions of power to benefit themselves to the detriment of the country and all of the people in it.

And if we continue to Normalize these people's Erratic, Hateful, Dishonest and Illegal Behaviours, by turning a blind eye to it and acting like nothing is seriously wrong in this country right now-they will destroy all of the progress that has been made by and for all Americans over the past 70 years.

The question is are we going to let them?

Or, are we going to Unite to fight them?

This is an individual decision that you and you alone will have to make for yourselves; keeping in mind that no one individual all by themselves can push back against the Dark Evil Forces that have taken control of America.

It is my sincere hope and prayer that Justice will be done on behalf of The American People before January 20, 2017 as a result of Trump's Disqualification for the Office of President of the United States of America, or shortly thereafter as a result of his Impeachment and removal from office.

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