Saturday, January 21, 2017

Please! Do Not watch The Inauguration Celebration

If you are opposed to Donald Trump and his Racist, Sexist, Hateful and Oppressive Policies, please play a small part in hitting him where it hurts-in the ratings.

Please either turn off the TV or change to a movie channel or some other type of channel that is not showing the Inaugural Celebrations-none of them.

Together we can send a strong message to Donald Trump and all those who foolishly voted for him.

America as a whole did not choose him to be our president.

And we damn sure don't accept all of the Corrupt, Lying Billionaires that he has appointed to his cabinet who have no idea of what the reality of living life as a real working person is.

They are all there for the same reason that he and his family are there: To use the Office of the President of the United States of America to Steal and make themselves even wealthier.

They do not give a damn about the American People-especially Poor People of Color.

They only care about themselves. And they fool those with itching ears looking for Hate, Blame and "Change" with Well Constructed Massive Propaganda Campaigns. In the process they train these people to get their "facts" from only one source-------Trump and his Cohorts. And now he is convincing them that any story that shows the world the Ugly Truth about who he, his family and the people that he surrounds himself with really are is "Fake News" .

When in fact, everything that he has said out of his mouth since he decided to use people's hatred of the First African American President by making people who already hated him believe that he was not born in the United States of America, and that he was not a "Legitimate President" has all been Fake News.

And the thing that really pisses me and millions of other people off, is the fact that he still has not admitted that he was wrong and offered President Obama an apology.

It's also important to note that Trump is trying to hurry up and shove people down American's throats for his cabinet who either do not know what the hell they talking about or doing, or who have a history of committing Immoral, unprincipled and even Criminal Behaviours without following the Proper Vetting Processes which includes completing all the necessary paperwork that includes financial documents and other important information. But this shouldn't be surprising to anyone considering the fact that America has allowed a man who has not released his Tax Returns and who has an unusual and strange fondness for Russia to reach the Highest and Most Powerful Office in the World.

People like Donald Trump and the people that he is appointing to his cabinet feel Entitled and Above The Law, unlike just ordinary everyday American Citizens like us.

They don't believe that the law applies to them as it applies to everybody else.

That's why the election was rigged in Trump's favor by Russian Spies, Republican Voter Suppression and Systematic Gerrymandering of districts that make it possible for these Ignoramuses to continue to win elections no matter what they say or do, how disrespectful they are to Minorities, People of Color, Woman, and people who don't worship the same way they do, and also attacks against a Well Qualified Legitimate President of the United States of America for over 8 years.

Tell Donald Trump that he is not welcome here in America as the 45th President of the United States of America, and that he needs to return to his homeland in Russia to continue to commit Treason by protecting Vladimir Putin while attacking everything that America stands for including all of the Security Agencies who put their lives on the line everyday to protect America and its citizens from attacks by Hostile Nations like Russia.

His reluctance to accept the Intelligence Communities Investigative and Counterintelligence reports will be putting our entire country in danger as long as he is president.

Donald Trump cannot be President of the United States and its interests, and still focus so much love, devotion and attention on Vladimir Putin and Russia.

Everything that he has said and done since he first walked down that escalator and attacked all Mexicans and other countries that we've had workable relationships with for decades, (including his defense of Russian Virtues), should have already disqualified him to be President.

If he wasn't Rich and White, he would probably be on the way to a Firing Squad already.

But apparently, a nation as big and as powerful and respected around the world as the U.S. does not have a mechanism in place to keep a Narcissistic, Psychotic, Greedy, Sexists and Racist Liar out of the Whitehouse, (which is quite frightening to many Americans). So, I guess its up to the people.

Join in the movement against Trump by making this The Lowest Viewed and Rated Inauguration in Modern Political History.

You will not be alone.

There will be millions of people protesting this Fraud of a man and his Election all over the country before, during and after Donald Trump's Inauguration.

Please do not watch the Inauguration Celebration of Donald J. Trump.

It is my sincere hope and prayer that Justice will be done on behalf of The American People before January 20, 2017 as a result of Trump's Disqualification for the Office of President of the United States of America, or shortly thereafter as a result of his Impeachment and removal from office.

Prayer is important.

But Protest, Resistance and Action is too.

Because it has been said many times before now, that "GOD helps those who help themselves."

Help yourself and every other American who opposes the Hateful and Corrupt Nature of Donald J. Trump.

Don't give him your support, or the excellent ratings that he will lie about after the inauguration.

Thank you,

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