Friday, February 5, 2016

Marco: You So Funny!

This Man, Marco Rubio,
(who is a member of one of the most Racist Political Parties in Modern History), who has turned against his own people who used to be Immigrants just like he was before he became a White American, who is also Racist and Divisive, is accusing this man,
President Barack Obama,(who has tried to work with people on both sides of the isle), bring police and communities together, and bring about some Peace and Harmony between the Races as a person who is always trying to divide people in America, because President Obama once again, did something that no other president has ever done before, (correct me if I'm wrong); visited a Mosque on this past Wednesday, to preach Peace and Harmony among people who practice different religions.

You see!

This is why we have such a major problem with Race in America.

It's because there are far too many people like Marco Rubio, who believe that denying that the problem exist is the solution to the problem, or that those who acknowledge the problem in an effort to help solve the damn problem are Divisive.

Such Asinine Logic, typical of the Right wing Conservative Movement that is currently trying to regain its dominance in our country.

But it is my hope that we will not allow these Perverted People to take away 60+ years of progress that we have made as a nation that resulted in more fairness, equity and opportunities for people who were previously denied even the most basic of rights such as eating in a restaurant, relieving one's self when nature call or casting a vote.

Rubio: You're So Funny!

And Phony too!


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