Sunday, February 14, 2016

About Last Night's Republican Debate & Antonin Scalia's Death

About Last Night's Debate

Honestly, I think at this Crucial Point in our country, we need to pay less attention to what these Right-wing Idiots say, (because we know that all they do is tell lies to Ignorant People with Itchy Ears for Hate). And pay more attention to stopping them from doing the things that they are trying to do to this country to protect their Rich, Powerful and Racist Friends and Supporters.

On The Death Of Antonin Scalia

I heard so many "Politically Correct Statements" from the Media, Politicians and Colleagues of Antonin Scalia over the last 24 hours since his death.

But the one word that I did not hear describing this Right-wing Conservative Judge on the Highest Court in America was "RACIST", which he was in and outside of the court, and down to the very fiber of his being and beliefs.

He lived and breathed Racist Conservatism, or should I just say "Conservatism", since in reality "Conservatism" is synonymous with "Racism" in America.

And if you are a Fair and Open Minded American, (no matter your Race, Creed, Color, Religion or Economic Status), then you must know that now, more than ever, those of us who feel this way about other human beings need to come together to make sure that First, a Racist Congress who has been sabotaging every effort that President Obama has been trying to put forth to make this a Fair and Equatable country for all concerned do not get a chance to play games and delay this president's appointment of another judge to replace Scalia; and Second, that we fight ferociously to elect A Democratic President, a Democratic Senate and a Democratic House.

That means reaching, teaching and sharing information with millions of people about what we are facing as a nation if we do not destroy the Right-wing Political Infrastructure that has been running rampant since the election of the First African American President in 2004 and then again in 2008.

In short, we Repeal and Replace as many of these Right-wing Haters, (many who are KKK Members who have infiltrated our Government), with people who will care about ALL Americans.

This is not a can do.

This is a must do.

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