Thursday, April 24, 2014

Awake Yet!

I’m just wondering if anyone is really paying attention to what is going on in this country and if they are ready to protect and defend this country and it’s positive values and all of the things that is inherent in those values including ourselves, our families, our communities and all of the progress that so many of our ancestors, (rather they be Black or White) fought and died for to provide us with the freedoms that we now enjoy.

I wonder if anyone is paying attention to the fact that RACISTS have infiltrated our Government and are now trying to turn back the hands of time on Voter’s Rights, Woman’s Rights, Poor People’s Rights, Sick People’s Rights, the Elderly’s Rights and Human Rights in general.

No I am not speaking of a bloody revolution until and unless that becomes necessary, but the fact of the matter is: people did die in bloody revolutions to replace the violent means of change with a peaceful and Democratic method called voting, and I am just wondering if anyone who is reading this realizes that the Midterm Elections that are coming up in November are just as important as the Presidential Elections coming up in 2016.


Pay attention to the ruling that the Supreme Court has been making.

I don’t have time to map them out here, but anyone who has the best interest of this country at heart, which believe it or not has and continues to have great power and influence over the way we and our families and friends live their lives and the quality of those lives.

So the following video should not be a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention for the last 6 years after the successful election and re-election of President Obama.

When I first heard of this Patriot, (RACISTS), and his battle against the Federal Government, I already knew that this is where he is truly coming from.

These dangerous and ugly changes are coming and they can only be stopped by those of us who give enough of a damn to participate in the process that will take the ever increasing power that these people continue to increase to dangerous levels.

There are people in this country who don’t count many of us as human beings worthy of life and will try to do whatever we allow them to do to destroy us and our families.

This video is just one of many who need to be stopped.

Please participate in our political process to save our country from total chaos and destruction.

Please do your research and vote for the right individuals who control the quality of our lives rather you know it or not.


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