Thursday, March 27, 2014

President Obama's Foreign Policies Can Be Implemented Better By A Trained Monkey?-Really Donald!

If a Trained Monkey could do a better job at Foreign Policy than President Obama on Afghanistan and other places in the world, then your group of War Criminals and Liars should have taken lessons from a Trained Monkey.

Monkeys #1, 2, 3 & 4

As far as monkey# 5 is concerned, he proved to the rest of you lying asses that he was not going to be a monkey, liar or a mass murder like yawl were Donald.

He wanted to be a Human Being like GOD intended him to be.

Oh Yea! A man who had spent his entire adult life at war, seen thousands of people wounded and thousands of people killed had the stomach to deal with all of that during his entire career and yet, he did not have the stomach to continue to tell lies to the American People any longer, so he walked away from the cage that all of you apparently are still in..

Hats off to General Colin Powell, (Retired), for walking away from a situation where he was forced to tell lie after lie to cover up Foreign Policies that caused far too many deaths of Americans and other people who are still human in spite of the fact that they are not Americans here and abroad.


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