Thursday, March 13, 2014

Paul Ryan Insults Urban, (Black) Men Accusing Them Of Not Having A Culture Of Work.

Paul Ryan: "We have got this tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work, and so there is a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with," Ryan said on Bill Bennett's "Morning In America," as recorded by Think Progress.

When I hear Republicans like Paul Ryan talk like this;the first question that comes to mind is how long have you been a Black Man In America, living in the Inner City in Poverty?

Isn't it strange, amazing or at least interesting to you that the people who consider themselves to be experts on the plight of African Americans and every other minority that suffers as a result of the Institutionalized Racism in America are Rich What People, (Particularly Rich White Men), who have never been Black or a member of any other minority living in America who has been fighting all their lives just to survive, (not to be rich),but just to get by in this country that still stinks of racism.

And if you don't see it, acknowledge it or respond to it in an effective manner, you are either sadly mistaken, extremely misinformed, ignorant or a racist, (which makes you part of the problem).

This is just the same old Republican Bullshit that simply shows that Republicans still support the notion (that most young people have been fooled into believing is no longer a reality)- WHITE SUPREMACY/BLACK INFERIORITY.

The Republican Party is stuck in the Pre-Civil Rights era when we were considered to be lazy, unintelligent, useless, worthless, dirty with abnormally high libido levels and extremely low moral levels.

Granted, there are people in the Black Race who have some or all of these negative characteristics, but guess what?-These negative traits are not only found in the Black Community, they are found in some people in all communities.

Trust me! I have worked with them, talked to them, lived with them, fought with them and am still involved in those fights to this day in and around my neighborhood which is 81.48% White based on 2012 statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau, and only 13.1% African American according to the same government statistics.

And here is what I discovered, in areas heavily concentrated by human beings of any race including "Lilly White",where the resources are scarce and people are fighting one another to survive, every community that has been systematically isolated from the wealth, power and resources in America that are supposed to be equally available to all; has the same crime problems, lack of education, lack of self control, (sexually or otherwise), and high murder rates.

So don't buy into this "Black on Black Crime Bullshit" that White Supremacist try all to successfully to sell you.

They know that if they can convince you that this phenomena is a reality, then they know that you will believe it; place in your hearts and minds, and that it will become a Self Fulfilling Prophecy, (which it has).

But let em tell you the truth about Human Nature and Crime and Murder.

In White Communities, White People Kill White People-In Chinese Communities, Chinese People Kill Chinese People-In the Italian Community, Italian People Kill Italian People-And in every other community where human's live, they kill each other for a variety of reason.

So as they say "Knowledge is Power".

So just because your Black does not mean that it is preordained that you kill another Black Child, Woman or Man-unless you continue to allow the Racist's Social Scientists convince you that you must

I'll go you one better-Rich People Kill Rich People Too!

Somewhere right now their is some rich person plotting or actually carrying out the murder of another rich person because he or she is not satisfied with owning 1/2 of the company or the money or the power-They Want It All!

So what Paul Ryan Said is Congruent with what the Modern Day Republican Party truly feels, believes and practices. And this is why all people of all races who care about living in a country where everyone has a chance to live their lives to the fullest without destroying the live of others and who think that everyone should have the right to success based on their own personal efforts, sacrifices and hard work, should be using as much of their spare time as possible to do their part to remove these very dangerous people who are trying to turn back the clock and make America their's and their's alone.

As I said before, if you don't know how you can help "The Cause"-ask someone who is already involved in "The Struggle" what you can do.

A few weeks ago Rep Louie Ghomert from Texas blamed Single Mothers for creating the poverty situation in America.

Republicans just don't want to admit the fact that there is a Systematic Program in place in this country, (that has been in place called "Institutionalized Racism" that not only creates poverty, it also makes it a never ending cycle which leads to severe health issues, piss poor schools in certain neighborhoods which all leads to funneling poor people into the Industrial Prison Complex which is now worth billions of dollars and finally, premature deaths.

After the fact, Paul Ryan claims that he was not even thinking of race when he made that statement.

But you know as well as I do, that when racist say they don't notice color or they deny that racism exists or that they are not racist or that they have "A Black Friend(s)", it usually means that they are racist.

Further more, how can Ryan say that he was not thinking of race when he made this racist statement, when he used the viewpoints, research and literary works of 2 "White Nationalist", Racists who believe, practice and preach about the Inferiority of the Black Race to support his hypothesis.

Charles Murry

Robert D. Putnam

It's time to "Take Our Country Back" from these people who are trying to take our country back to the hell hole that it was for hundreds of years for certain races and classes of people.

And in spite of the lies that they consistently tell about wanting to do all these things for the benefit of the country, the fact of the matter is: they are only doing what the hell is best for them and their Racist Corporate and Billionaire Donors.

We already lost a seat in Florida.

Please make sure that we keep the Senate and take back the house in November, so that President Obama can continue to implement Programs that will allow people to help themselves instead of just having 2 classes of people in this country: The Rich and Slaves, which is the I Ideal Vision of America that Republicans believe in and are fighting for.

If you don't believe in this type of America, (which those of us who are old enough to remember), was really a hateful and dangerous place to live, then please keep the work of those who got us this far by bombed, spit on, attacked by dogs and killed by doing your part so that their sacrifices will not be in vain.

Thank you,


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