Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Why Are The Only Constituents Facing Catastrophic Healthcare Changes From Republican Districts?

I watched for several hours today as Congress drilled Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, (you know the agency responsible for the implementation of the Affordable Care Act), (or as Republicans have labeled it for Devious Political Purposes), “Obamacare”, because they know that white people who are adamantly opposed, hateful and or fearful about a (Black Man) running the (Whitehouse) would look upon this law with a Negative Racist Charge.

This has been proven time and time again with public opinion polls when the question was asked: “Do you approve of Obamacare?” and the answer was a stern “no!”

However, when the benefits of the Affordable Care Act were explained and the question was asked: Do you approve of “The Affordable Care Act”; the answer was a definite: “Yes!”

You see! Every devious move Republicans make are not by accident, they are by design.

And these moves are not designed to help Average Middleclass American Citizens or those who are poor or struggling to get into the Middleclass.

These moves are designed to protect the interests of Rich and Powerful People and Corporations who they are heavily dependent upon for financing to keep them employed.

And in the interest of full disclosure, Democrats are dependent upon Rich and Powerful People and Corporations to finance their campaigns as well with one significant difference:

The difference with the Democrats is very important to note: (for the most part), it is the level of Civic and Social Responsibility that the rich people and corporations that Democrats deal with aspire to, as opposed to those rich people and corporations that Republicans deal with like the Koch Brothers and others who would destroy the world for future generations by poisoning the planet for PROFITS.

And the one common theme that I observed by Republican Members on the Committee is that they are all very concerned with the fate of all of the people in this country who are unable to obtain healthcare as a result of the “Glitches” inherent in the Healthcare.Gov website.

However, these are the very same people who tried to destroy President Obama’s Signature Accomplishment: “The Affordable Care Act” and the country with it; by shutting down the U.S. Government for 16 days, and pushing us to the brink of Economic Disaster by attempting to refuse to raise the Debt Ceiling.

And now; just a little over 2 weeks after the shutdown of the U.S. Government in one of far too many attempts to destroy Obamacare, they are sitting in front of the American People trying to make pretend that they are outraged by the fact that the website entrance to the ACA is not functioning properly which is preventing thousands of Americans from signing up for healthcare.

Republicans think that we are stupid.

Are we?

Let us not forget that for over 3 years now, Republicans voted to “Repeal” the Affordable Healthcare Act 42 times.

When those attempts failed; they tried to “Defund Obamacare”.

And now that the website is having problems, (which are consistently being corrected), they are now outraged and concerned about something not working right that they did not want to work right in the first place.

These are the same kinds of lies, treachery and deceit Republicans attempted to use to destroy this president when 4 Americans died in Benghazi.

Instead of trying to get to the bottom of the incidents and conditions that led to the death of 4 Americans at that embassy so that these types of attacks could be prevented in the future, they used these deaths to Politicize, point fingers and to attack Susan Rice because she was a close ally of President Obama, as they are now doing with Kathleen Sibelius

I am not saying that some hearings on very important issues such as the Benghazi Attacks, the IRS Scandal, the NSA, etc. are not necessary.

What I am saying is: Behind every act that humans carry out, intent makes a big difference in the outcomes of the results of those acts.

If the intent is for a positive purpose, then even though things may initially go wrong, the intentions of the people who are involved in getting a positive result, usually wind up getting a positive result in spite of the fallibility of the human species.

However, if people are doing something with evil intentions behind it, then this will usually result in a very negative result.

I almost died in 2002 as a result of not having healthcare even though I was gainfully employed.

So personally I think that providing millions of Americans with Affordable Healthcare who would otherwise go bankrupt or die without it, is a worthwhile and good intentioned goal in spite of the difficulties encountered on the way to getting there.

So I think that it has and should continue to be successful.

However, Republicans have one and only one goal in life, which is the same goal that they have had for the last 4+ years, and that goal is to destroy this administration even if they have to destroy the country and all of the people in it to do so.

And that brings me to my final point: Why is it that the only people who are having Catastrophic Problems with their healthcare as a result of the Affordable Care Act are only in the Republican Districts that these people represent?

It’s because the people who represent these districts, have been completely unwilling and uncooperative with President Obama’s Administration in ironing out all of the problems and concerns about the Affordable Care Act.

President Obama has asked these Republican Representatives time and time again to work with him to fix the things within this law that will make it better, so that as many Americans as possible can get the healthcare protection that they need.

And they have refused.

So if you are a member of one of these districts, and you have received a notice from your insurance company notifying you of the fact that you have been cancelled, or that your premiums are increasing, (which is something that happened before the ACA was even signed into law), and as a matter of fact, is one of the things that the ACA is designed to prevent; then you need to ask those people who are supposedly “representing you”, why they failed to work with the president to correct these problems over the past 3 years.

Now you can ask-but I am almost 100% certain that you won’t get an honest answer, so I am going to answer for them :

Your representatives don’t wont “Obamacare” to work.

So they would rather let you experience these kinds of problems as a result of the changes that insurance companies are making as a result of this new law, rather than working together with Democrats and the President to make sure that you understand these changes and know how to respond to them to retain or replace your healthcare plan if necessary.

This is the truth that they won’t tell you.

And one thing that I have always known is that, it is one thing for the enemy, (who is against you); lies to you.

But it is another more sinister and dangerous thing when your friends who are supposed to have your best interest at heart, lies to you.

Think about that!


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