Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Shameful Republican Shields

Shields the Republicans use to hide their selfish, Hateful and Destructive Deeds behind.

1. WWII Veterans

After their irresponsible and dangerous behavior led to the shut down of the Federal Government; Republicans showed up at the WWII Veteran’s Memorial after veterans traveled cross country to visit the memorial in their honor for a photo op, to give the illusion that they give a damn.

If they gave a damn, it wouldn’t have been closed in the first place.

2. At the same location, a Republican Member of Congress verbally attacked a Female Parks Police Officer for trying to do her job by preventing WWII Veterans from entering a park that was officially closed as a result of what? -The GOP Government Shutdown.

3. Children with Cancer

But the most despicable shield of all was their attempt to use Children who have cancer as a shield by singling out the program sponsored by the National Institutes of Health that was closed by their Government Shutdown.

This program administers Experimental Drugs to children in a desperate attempt to prolong their lives.

Once again, if they were so big on Humanitarianism, then Public and Media Outrage over this program would not be necessary.

This program that effectively prolongs the lives of very sick children would have been a major consideration on the part of Republicans, and as a result of conscious, they would not have just sit back and let this program and other important programs like it shutdown in the first place.

And to add insult to injury, Republicans have been publically praising the work of the very Law Enforcement Officers who are working for free now because of them.

These officers providing FREE Services protected their asses last week, when a Connecticut woman tried to ram through one of the gates at the Whitehouse, (with a 1 year old child in the car). She then proceeded to Capitol Hill where she was shot and killed by police.

So in spite of the shooting at the Naval Base a few weeks ago, and the incident that happened last week at the Whitehouse and the Capitol, Republicans still want to cut more Mental Health Services for people like these who are very troubled and could possibly be saved by adequate Psychiatric Services.

Here’s the truth about how Republican see things:

Republicans want to be the only people in American who are Safe, Secure and Productive.

In addition, Republicans are also trying to Pass Small, Selective, Temporary Pieces of legislation that they know the country is most outraged about because they see it on TV.

They are doing these things to Run and Hide for Political Coverage from their Dirty Deeds. in the hope that they can sell people other than those from the Low Information Districts that they represent on these vicious lies.

America, this is what Republicans have been doing ever since President Obama was successfully and Legally Elected to the Office of President of the United States of America on November 4, 2008.

As a matter of fact, they were working on the things that you see coming to fruition now, even before President Obama officially took office.

They are continuing to do the very things that led us to where we are today; on the brink of a complete breakdown of the U.S. Government and the Destruction that will follow.

It’s called Anarchy.

And if and when it gets to that point, I guarantee you and all other Sensible Americans that this will be Dangerous and Deadly for us all.

But the one positive thing that we can all gain from this story is the fact that when Public Outrage occurs in direct response to what Republicans do, or in this case refuse to do, they immediately respond to our outrage, which is why I always try to remind people of just how powerful “We The People” are.

The problem is that unlike “The People” in other countries; when the government is screwing with them, their government cannot ignore the outrage of these people.

But here in America, we have a tendency to just let the government do its thing, rather what they’re doing is good for us or not.

I can tell you for sure that this Government Shutdown that has been created by one small group of Racists Idiots in the Republican Party, and those who are afraid of these people because they are more worried about getting reelected as opposed to seeing that the American People are alright while they do have the power, is not good for America, and will grow increasingly more destructive the longer it lasts.

And if we default on our National Debt on October 17, 2013, GOD only knows what will happen to this country, because before now, no one has been irresponsible, destructive or stupid enough to try it. We should not be outraged about 1,2,or 3 programs shutting down, we should be actively pissed about the fact that the government is shut down by a few idiots who don’t care about what happens to people as a result-Period!


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