Thursday, September 4, 2008

They Don't Care About You Black Republican

I could not help noticing that there are a few black people in attendance at the Republican National Convention. And I was okay with that until I just happened to see a few making a speech proclaiming John McCain as their president.

First of all, I just want to let you know that this is America, and that as Americans, we all have the right to believe in what we believe in, and to speak freely about those beliefs.

So you made it very clear in your speech to the White People at the convention what you truly believe.

And in keeping with the American tradition of being free to believe and speak what we truly believe, I would just like to take a moment to give you my impression of your presence at this RNC, and the fact that you publicly proclaimed your love for a presidential candidate who is representing the party that set back and made jokes, and talked about how great their wardrobe was, instead of sending help to New Orleans to save the lives of many poor black and white people who drowned because of their indifference and hatred for these poor people, who do not own big businesses like drug companies or oil companies.

My how soon they forget, and I understand them doing that, because this is an election year.

However Brothers! - I can call you brothers cant I? Or do they allow me to call you brother?


I want you to know that it is my honest opinion that those same white people who sit patently through your speeches and cheered you all on when you spoke against Barack Obama, and spoke up for John McCain, are the same white people that, (if you were not a part of this convention, and did not have on a suit), would put your change on the counter instead of putting it in your hand, talk about how they cant stand the smell of you, and others like you, reminisce about the good old days when we knew our place, and when our place was on the plantation, and who would also not want you near them, their homes, their families, or their businesses.

So I am assuming that you must be okay with being a Second -Class citizen, and that you feel safe and at peace when you have their false admiration.

Well let me just tell you this, originally the Republican Party did start with a noble cause in mind just like the health care industry did. However, because of racial hatred, greed, and the conservative tradition of niggers being kept in their place, I want you to know that you are everything that they want you to be, and that your speech last night went over big time in that room. But beyond that room, I bet that there are millions of Black Americans who were disgraced by your very presence at the RNC, and especially the fact that you made a speech talking about your president John McCain.

So you keep the president that is yours and everyone else’s in that room, and the rest of us will vote for the president that is the president for the majority of people in this country no matter their race, creed, social standing, pedigree, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or who disagree on when life actually starts.

I think that having a president of all of the people of the United States is far more powerful then having a president that caters to the people in that room, and the few who are like those in that room.

My President Is: Barack Obama.

And I say that with just as much, (if not more pride), then you did for John McCain.

Who Is The Next President?

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