Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Republican Party Proves That It Is An Exclusive Club.

Last night was the 2nd. Day of the RNC, (Republican National Convention), which is actually the 1st. day, because yesterday Laura Bush had to demonstrate how much concern she and the Republican Party has for the very same people that they watched drown during Hurricane Katrina just 3 years ago.

And they have yet to make an honest effort to restore New Orleans, (in the poor neighborhoods), as they promised that they would 3 years ago.

But as usual, the only thing that they have going for them is their ability to fool the uninformed and those who are socially unaware by not mentioning the incidents of the past 8 years, where they have shown that they do not care about certain groups of people.

However, last night’s message was very confusing.

But one extremely clear message did come through to me as a result of my dropping in on the various speeches from time to time.

The first thing I would like for you to notice about the RNC verses the DNC, (Democratic National Convention), is the fact that you will not see very much diversity in the faces of the crowd.

When you looked at the mix of people at the DNC, you saw a large diverse group of people who all were there to hear a common message and to share in the common goal of getting Barack Obama elected as the President of the United States in order to change this country for the better.

But last night, I kept hearing words coming from all of the speaker’s mouths about one America, and they say they are there for all Americans. However, when I scanned the audience on several occasions, all I saw was a sea of white people, and seeing the make up of their audience was like getting into a time machine and traveling back to the 1930’s, 40’s, 50’ and 60’s, which definitely does not indicate change.

And I got the feeling that the few black people that I saw was only there because they were the maids, butlers, and nannies that were threatened with losing their jobs if they did not attend.

Also, I kept hearing this Nazi like message that states that if you don’t agree with them, or if you are not a member of the Republican Party, then you are not putting the country first, and therefore you are not a patriotic citizen.

This is one thing that Barack Obama refuses to do, and the one thing that the Republicans continue to do.

During his impressive speech at the DNC, Obama made it clear that he would speak about the issues, and that he would attack the polices of John McCain and the Republicans that have not and will not address those issues. However, he promised that he would not attack anyone’s patriotism, because he understands that there are patriotic people in the Democratic Party, as well as in the Republican Party.

This is something that the Republicans are failing to acknowledge. And it is a total turn off for many Americans who know that they are not members of this exclusive club.

Now in a country that is known for freedom of speech and thought, this is quite an odd message coming from a group of people who claim to be interested in the benefit of all of the people that they have been charged with serving.

And the other thing that is confusing and also very annoying to me is the fact that people who are supposed to be very competent at what they do appear to be so incompetent when they are trying to validate Sarah Palin’s skimpy qualifications to be Vice President of the United States. And this is particularly disturbing since we have been hearing so much about the lack of experience that our candidate Barack Obama has and how ineffective he would be as President.

This just shows the same lack of judgment that we have been subjected to over the last 8 years that we have experienced from George Bush. John McCain’s choice of this woman as his running mate is just an example of things to come, should America be fooled into voting for the Republicans so that they won’t have to vote for a black guy.

Barack Obama has traveled around the world, and has had just as many people rushing to him to hear his messages as he had here at home in the US. Now that is International Diplomacy Experience. Experience, which John McCain tried to down play as celebrity, because it was something that he knows he will never be able to do.

However, Sarah Palin, has just recently obtained a passport, and I believe that in her position as Mayor in a small town of Alaska, and now the Governor of the State of Alaska, It is clear to anyone that has a mind of their own, that this woman is not qualified to run this country should something happen to John McCain.

However, to hear all of these people try to insult the intelligence of the American People is a definite turn off. The only people who are buying her as a qualified candidate is the people who are trying to make the sale, and those who will agree with anything simply because they are Republicans.

So all in all, I as an African American, and someone who wants postive change, have not seen anything to indicate to me that they are willing or able to bring about that change.

Also disturbing is the fact that we are hearing very little about the issues. Issues on the economy, the war in Iraq, health care, race relations in America, energy conservation, and the preservation of our earth, nor have I heard about proposed implementation of programs to address these issues.

I have not heard anything to this effect.

But this is probably due to the fact that they have made very little progress in these areas over the last 8 years.

However, I have heard many warm and fuzzy speeches about how great a First Lady Laura Bush is, or how great a soldier that John McCain was, and what a great president he will make, and what a great mother Sarah Palin is, and what a great Vice President she will make, and how good of a friend everybody is to everybody else in the Republican Party.

However, my concern is that none of these things addresses the major issues that most Americans are concerned with, which is exactly what the Democratic National Convention did for the majority of the event.

And the other thing about the DNC that was so comfortable for many of us who support Barack Obama, was the fact that we did see so many different types of people who were excited, motivated, and ready for the positive changes that we feel that America is in dire need of.

So it appears that my theory was correct.

The only way to explain away the record of the Republican Party for the last 8 years, the similarities between John McCain and George Bush, the 50,000 dead in Iraq that has not brought Osama Bin Laden to justice yet, and the fact that the Republican Party is still what it has always been, which is an exclusive club for the rich and the powerful, and ignoramuses who are poor, who just don’t understand that this is not the place for them to be.

So I would have to say the score as of today for Political conventions is:
Democrats 4-Republicans 0

Now Who Is The Nest President?

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