Friday, May 11, 2018

The Science Behind America's Impending Doom Is That Shit Rolls Downhill............

From Black People getting harassed in coffee shops, on college campuses, on graduation stages, in their own cars, in their own homes and at airbnb rental properties etc, etc, etc.

From Immigrants being dehumanized, insulted, humiliated, profiled and grouped into one terrible category.

From derogatory statements from the White House about, the disabled, women, black people, immigrants,shithole countries, senators, congressman and Woman, other staff members, war heroes like John McCain, (who one staff member sees as not being worthy of being heard because he's going to die anyway), to physical assaults, attacks and murders on people of color, muslims, immigrants and anyone else that White Nationalists, Skinheads, Nazis, Racists, the Klu Klux Klan the Blue Klux Klan,the President of the United States and "fine people" from the many other species of White Supremacists who believe that they have been given the power of God to decide who is worthy of life and who is not.

And by the way; as far as the ignorant statements coming from candidate Trump where he said that he doesn't see McCain as a war hero because he got captured and he thinks that those who don't get captured are heroes-The reason that you didn't get captured Captain Bone Spurs, is because your Punk Ass didn't serve. And the little time you spent in a Military School does not count as Military Service for this country.

I'm Just saying!

America: If you want to minimize violence, murder, the lack of civility and return respect for each other as human beings to the spirit of the nation, then you have to start at the top and work your way down.

If you want America to return to what it is supposed to be,(a nation where people live and let live), as long as they are not violating the law, (which also seems to be something that now the people who are responsible for making and enforcing the law, no longer respects the law themselves); or they change the meanings of the laws to suit their own self serving purposes. Then remember that as leaders lead, followers follow; and that SHIT always rolls down hill.

So if you want to get rid of the SHIT in the middle and at the bottom and throughout the world, then get rid of the SHIT at the top.

In 2018, let's unite to rip all of Donald Trump's Republican Support from under him.

They are complicit and support and approve of every Criminal and Treasonous Act that Donald Trump's Administration commits, by Silence, Ignorance and by not upholding the Laws of this Country.

Hopefully, before 2020, Donald Trump will be Justifiably Removed from office through Impeachment and or Criminal Prosecution.

If by chance this does not happen, then it is up to us to handle it in the 2020 Presidential Election.

Please Take 2 Minutes To Register To Vote For 2018 and 2020.

Please Vote if you are registered and register to VOTE if you are not, and please VOTE. Our life as we know it depends upon our Political Activism.............

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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