Monday, April 2, 2018

Megyn Kelly:Any Comments About Black Jesus On NBC Last Night?????

Megyn: I was just wondering if you had any more negative comments about the actual heritage and blood line of Jesus since you have left FOX NEWS and are now portraying someone else who is not a Racist at NBC.

Before you answer, remember that you no longer work for FOX NEWS and that you are now an employee of NBC, (which I hope once the rest of the uninformed viewership finds out who you really are), will cause you to be removed from what is supposed to be a Mainstream Network.

I've seen the clips of you hugging African Americans and smiling and laughing with them as if you view them as your equal.

But you and I know that this is a bunch of Bullshit.

So last night, on the network that you are now employed by, they did a production of Jesus Christ Superstar, starring John Legend as Jesus.

A very fine production of this 1970's classic indeed.

So I was just wondering if you still have the same racist views about who and what Jesus Christ really was,(racially speaking), in history?

Any comments about the job that the network that you now work for did on last night's production?


One way to curtail the Racial Divide in America is to remove the man who is responsible for it from the highest office in the land.

Where leaders lead, followers will follow, (especially those who know not the truth or don't care about the truth).

This is America and Racists have a right to be Racist if that is what they want to be, but we cannot allow the hatred of a few to destroy life for the many.

Let's work together to stop the Trump Administration from destroying all of the progress that has been made over the past 242 years in America.

In 2018, let's unite to rip all of Donald Trump's Republican Support from under him.

They are complicit and support and approve of every Criminal and Treasonous Act that Donald Trump's Administration commits, by Silence, Ignorance and by not upholding the Laws of this Country.

Hopefully, before 2020, Donald Trump will be Justifiably Removed from office through Impeachment and or Criminal Prosecution.

If by chance this does not happen, then it is up to us to handle it in the 2020 Presidential Election.

Please Vote if you are registered and register to VOTE if you are not, and please VOTE. Our life as we know it depends upon our Political Activism.............

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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