Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Democrats Throw Their (Accused) Under The Bus While Republicans Make Their (Convicted) President......

First of all let me make it perfectly clear that Sexual Assault, Sexual Abuse,Sexual Slander, Rape and Petifelia should never be acceptable under any circumstances either socially or professionally.

But what is also not acceptable is Weak Ass Democratic Leaders who continuously yield to pressure from Right Wing Lug Nuts; like the pressure that Nancy Pelosi and other members of the Democratic "Leadership" yielded to in the matter or John Conyers.

John Conyers was asked to resign as a result of past indiscretions that were settled through litigation for which the claimant was awarded damages.

That matter was already settled, and it should have been left alone by the Democratic Party, just like the issues are being left alone concerning Al Franken.

On "Meet The Press" on Sunday, Madam Speaker, Pelosi was perfectly content to allow the Allegations against Congressman Conyers to be settled by Due Process.

This is what Congress is supposed to be about-Procedure.

However, after some very Hypocritical Attacks from The Right, Nancy Pelosi along with some other Weak Democrats caved into Republican Pressure and allowed the Republican Party, (who is now the party of White Nationalist, Violent Racists, Fake Ass Christians, Sexists, War Mongers, Greed Infested Politicians, Liars, Traitors, Sexual Assaulters and Child Molesters), including the Admitted Groper In Chief, who was accused of raping a 15 year old girl along with a group of other animals prior to being allowed to become president; decided to pass judgement on the Democratic Party's Dirt while using a Jedi Mind Trick to take the nation's attention off of their dirt.

And once again!

The Weak Ass Democratic Party fell for it, by throwing one of their own under the bus without Due Process.

So is it any wonder how Republicans continously best us at every turn; which forces the party to disappoint its base time and time again and place it in danger of destruction because of their weakness and their insistence on being good as opposed to being effective?

I have recognized the fact that not only does the Democratic Party throw its own under the bus for committing far lesser acts of corruption than Republicans/Conservatives do.

But our Media Outlets do the same as well, by firing valuable journalists and commentators because the Right Wing Idiots on other networks tell them to.

And with all of the degrees and letters following these people's names and all the titles preceding these people's names; and all of the Million Dollar Educations they have, they don't even recognize the fact that the reason the Conservative Hate Movement in America continues to attack us and our institutions successfully, is because they know that they can, and they know that our institutions, (Political, Media and Otherwise), will not stand up for us because they are too weak and afraid of them to do so.

Sam Seder Fired From MSNBC Because Of An Old Tweet

After Mike Cernovich -- a pro-Trump provocateur complained about the Tweet that was Tweeted before Seder even became an employee at MSNBC.

Joy Reid Under Attack From The Right.

Also be mindful of the fact that because of Decade Old Homophobic Statements made in Blogs Written by Joy Reid 10 years ago; she is also under attack.

Please pay close attention to MSNBC and what happens next with "AM Joy".

All Leftists, Democrats, Liberals, Progressives and whatever else you may call yourselves need to wake up and realize that when Sharks Smell Blood, they attack.

So we should not be cutting each other's throats. We should be protecting one another, because their is strength in numbers.

In the meantime, while Democrats are trying to be the Morality Police of Politics, the Republicans are protecting an Invalid, Proven, Treasonous, Racist, Mentally Imbalanced Idiot with a known history of Sexual Assault as president, and trying to elevate a Child Molester from a local Judge to the United States Senate.


Because they can.

Because you let them.

And, unless and until we get some New, Young, Radical, "Winner Take All" Blood in the Democratic Party, the Republicans are preparing to whip the shit out of Democrats in 2018, 2020 and beyond-Again!

Now you can continue to ignore me and people like me if you want to.

And you can continue to not accept my donations, because their is a long letter attached telling you all about yourselves and your weaknesses and how they are adversely affecting us and the country as a whole, but I will tell you this:

Because I know you got it.

If you can't get tough for us, (your base who supports and votes for you), then when the Democratic Party becomes obsolete, (which is what the Republican Party is trying to make it), (which is what the Democratic Party should be trying to do to Republicans), then none of you will have your High Paying, High Profile Cushy Jobs anymore.

So if you are not motivated by concern for us, then at least show some damn concern for your paycheck.

If you want to win in 2018 and 2020 and beyond,(and for the country's sake, I hope you do); this Candy Apple Ass Attitude of Self Righteousness and Endless Kindness is not going to get it done.

You cannot stop bullets with a Peace Sign.

And you cannot stop Demons by being sweet, kind and honest with them.

And you certainly cannot beat them if you are going to keep throwing your own members off the team without even following procedure.

You have to match them Blow for Blow.

So tell me-Who is in control of the Democratic Party?

Democrats or Republicans?

If the answer is Democrats-I can't tell.

For me and people like me to have Peace of Mind heading into 2018 and 2020, we need to know that Democrats control the Democratic Party alone.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

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