Thursday, December 21, 2017

Watch As Lying Republicans Praise A Mentally Ill Child Who Has The Nuclear Codes........

Lying Republicans praise a Mentally Ill Child who is starved for attention because his parents didn't give him any. As a result; he needs to be constantly reminded that he is a "Worthy Human Being".

"Worthey President" is not even a part of this discussion.

This is what Politicians do!-Lie to you America.........

But Lying is a Republican Specialty that they do in Excess.


How much more are Americans going to take?

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

This Fake Tax Cut Helps No One Except Donald Trump, His Family And The People Like Him & His Family

All animals are programmed to do that which contributes to their own physical survival

But Humans try to do it while considering others as well.

These Animals are Pure Evil.

I've seen this before.

In my lifetime, I've seen it with Ronald Reagan's "Tax Cuts", "Trickle Down Economics", "Scam For The Rich", "Voodoo Economics".

First of all, (to my knowledge), you can't get a title for a car unless you get it insured.

You can't buy a house unless you have Fire Insurance and a number of other Insurances that will cover various Destructive or Catastrophic Emergencies that may occur after you purchase your house.

Even if you buy a Motorcycle you need Motorcycle Insurance.

And you can't buy a boat without boat insurance.

As a matter of fact, you can't buy anything that is of value before you take care of the business that allows your major purchases to be insured.

Is your Health, the Health of your Families and you and your Families Lives Major?

Will you see more money in your check as a result of this Scam.


When Ronald Reagan promised working people like me at that time a tax cut, I got an extra $13.00 in my paycheck in time for the next election.

And then one more increase of approximately $10.00 right before the election as an inducement to vote for Ronald Reagan.

So I got $23.00.

What do you think the Rich, Powerful, Well Connected, and Mega Corporations got? So just in time for the 2018 Midterm Elections, you will see a tax cut as an inducement to vote for Republicans in 2018.

And then just in time for the 2020 Presidential Elections, you will still have a few extra dollars in your paycheck.

After the elections, your tax cut will began to reverse direction and begin to disappear week after week until it is gone.

However, the Tax Cuts for the Rich, Wealthy and Mega Corporations will continue to stand and increase over time as a result of them robbing your Pensions, Healthcare, Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, (funds Republicans have already let expire), and of course, Social Security.

And as far as Health Care is concerned, removing the Obamacare Mandate and shoving it into this bill will mean that eventually those with Obamacare and other forms of Healthcare will see their premiums increased to the point where most average or poor people will not be able to afford insurance.

And, no one will have any of the safety nets that have been a part of this country's DNA for many years.

And the logic behind killing the Mandate for Healthcare is really a big lie that is not based on reality.

Like mostly everything else that Republicans do, this is based on a lie.

I don't get into an Auto Accident all the time.

So, when I pay my monthly premiums, I am paying for someone else's accident so that when I have an accident, I too am covered.

I don't have a fire burn down my house all the time, so while I am still paying my premiums, I am paying for someone else's fire so that when I have a fire that damages or burns down my house, I too am covered.

I don't have a Motorcycle accident all the time.

So when I am paying my monthly premiums; I am paying for someone else's Motorcycle Accident so that if and when I have one, I too am covered.

I also don't have a boat accidents all the time.

So when I am paying my premiums every month, I am paying for someone else's boat accident, fire or explosion, so that if any of these catastrophic Events happen to me, I too amd covered.

And please notice that all of these insurances are "Mandated"-YOU MUST HAVE THEM.

So it is was under Obamacare when you paid your Healthcare Premiums.

You hopefully will not be sick all the time or become Catastrophically Ill with something that cannot be cured, but that can only be treated for the rest of your life until you die-So when you pay your Healthcare Premiums into the pool, (which until today was a ("Mandate") included in Obamacare, (or as intelligent and informed people know as the Affordable Care Act), or (ACA); You were paying for other people's illness in that pool so that if and when you yourself became ill, you and your family would be able to be covered; even with Pre Existing Conditions like Diabetes, Cancer, Obesity, or some other type of "Incurable Disease" or even a Pre Existing Condition like Pregnancy.

Yes! According to Republicans, a woman being Pregnant is a "Pre Existing Condition".

And when they finally destroy the Affordable Care Act, the insurance company's can decide to not cover you because you are Pregnant.

Oh! I almost forgot to mention that Fiscally Conservative Republicans are adding 1.4 Trillion Dollars to our Deficit.

So, I hope that this is clear to all by now.

Elections Have Consequences

And who you vote for, who you don't vote for or rather you vote or not answers the question truthfully:


How much more are Americans going to take?

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

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Thursday, December 14, 2017

Pay Attention To The Patterns Of War Mongering

See them?

Weapons Of Mass Destruction Found In Iraq

Weapons Of Mass Destruction Found By U.S. Army from Iran.

One of the most important things that America needs to realize about Donald J. Trump is that he is acting out of a Spirit of Hatred & Racism towards America's First Black President as opposed to Love for the American People.

This makes him a very dangerous man.

This is why he is reversing any and everything that President Obama put into place, even if it is not safe, logical, legal or productive to do so.

One of the most notable changes (among many), in reversals of American Policy that is dangerous for America is his insistence on cancelling President Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal.

Just like Obamacare, he and the Republicans are not interested in tweaking anything that President Obama has created that has and could continue to benefit the American People - That's Hate.

And now to prove that President Obama was wrong-again! in trying to create and maintain a Peaceful Resolution with Iran as far as their Nuclear Program is concerned, he wants to destroy the deal and potentially become involved in another unnecessary war; as if our Human and other Resources are not already stretched to the limit.

Check out the 2 photos above?

Do they remind you of anything?

What I am trying to say is that Trump would rather destroy this country than to give a Black President credit for doing somethings that were good.

The question is how much longer are people in power who know what is going on, and the people of this country who will be endangered by his stupidity, going to allow this stupidity to continue?

No one should be shocked by Trump's Reckless and Destructive Behaviour, because this is exactly what Russia invested in his campaign for him to do; which is to destroy the U.S. Government, which in effect will destroy the U.S.

And then with America in shambles, Putin can step in and expand his real estate holdings in the world by taking over the Crown Jewel-America.

So, please pay attention to the War Drums which are beating softly now.

But if left unchecked by the American People, those drums will get much louder over time.


Oh! By the way, today the FCC voted to take away our free and open access to the Internet.

How much more are Americas going to take?

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Trump Back On TV Trying To Sell Fake Tax Cut For The Middle Class-Again!

Simply put! He's lying to you America, (including the Poe White Folk who voted for him and continue to support him).

If this "Tax Cut" is successfully passed by Republicans, the longer it is in effect, the more it will help Rich People like him and the less it will help Poor Working People and Working Middle Class People.

I guess when you know that you smell the SHIT that you're selling, you have to keep selling it to convince yourself and those who are gullible that your SHIT smells like fresh roses.

But those of us who know better still smell SHIT, no matter how many times you interrupt our favorite TV Programs with your Fake Ass Tax Cut for the Middle Class.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

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An Example For Uncle Toms Who Sell Out To White Racists In The Republican Party

No Omarosa Manigault!

You did not quit.

Your High Falutin Black Ass got fired because they were through with you.

You See!

When Modern Day Uncle Toms Sell Out To White Racists-When They Are Finished With You, They Dispose Of You........

And you know what?

I have the same amount of discontent, disgust and disrespect for you as I do for the people who you strongly aligned yourself with supposedly to support a program to make things better for the African American Community.

However, the only African American, (and I use that term very lightly when it comes to referring to you), because you are an African American in Skin Tone Only and not in Soul, was you.

And the fact that they kicked your Black Ass out of the White House means that you are just as effective in helping Black America now as you were when you were in the White House talking about "People Bowing Down" to (your Master, Lord and Saviour), Donald Trump, (which is a very strange statement for someone who proclaims to be a "Follower of Christ", known as a Christian.

But now that God has blessed us with your departure, you can ride off into the sunset; hopefully never to be heard from again.

And that is good for the Black Race.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

American Hypocrisy On Display Tonight In Alabama, Congress and the White House

Watch for it as Doug Jones Challenges Roy Moore for the chance to enact laws in the Congress of the United States that reflects their personal beliefs.

As with Trump V Clinton, let's do away with the myth of the "Perfect Candidate", because their is none.

However in most cases there is enough of an apparent difference in degrees of evil to recognize which one should be chosen over the other,(if you care about keeping the amount of evil in this country to a minimum.)

So I really don't have a lot of time to expand on this message, so I will simply say, one of these candidates Roy Moore,(The one on the Left), is a known Child Molester and Judge whose sexual behaviour towards minors, has been so bad that he cannot even enter the local mall because of his documented history.

The one on the Right doesn't have a stellar record on African American Issues, but he does not believe that being Gay should be against the law. He does not believe that we as a country should hate Jews just because their Jews. And, he does not believe that the 17th Amendment to the Constitution,(you know the one that made us African Americans Human Beings instead of Property should be completely removed from the Constitution, along with the Amendments that gave women the Right to Vote. Is this really going to be such a difficult and confusing choice for the people of Alabama and Congress.

Consider the fact that we already have one Sexual Abuser and Child Molester in the White House that needs to be removed by any means necessary to save the country form certain destruction.

He is also a Liar, Thief,Racist, Russian Spy among other negative things that are causing our country to fall apart at the seams using the strategy of "Divide and Conquer".

In addition, the majority of the Republican Party and his entire Administration are okay with this as long as they get to maintain power and control over People of Color, Immigrants, Women, and anybody else who is not an Old Ass White Haired or Orange Haired Male.

America is always attacking other countries for their Human Rights Violations against their own Men, Women and Children.

But look at what has taken place in America in 2016, and what may be happening tonight.

Does America really have the Moral Authority to criticize any country when they have allowed Donald Trump to be President and now their trying to elect Roy Moore as a Senator?

As the night progresses we will see.

Even though I have always known that America and its "Holier than thou" attitude was a bunch of Bullshit.

Let's see if tonight proves my point.

I hope I'm wrong for the sake of the country.

Vote for Doug Jones for Senate Alabamians; If you don't want your country to remain evil, it is the clear choice, as we prepare to remove the evil that has already infiltrated the Republican Party and the White House.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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Thursday, December 7, 2017

Democrats Throw Another One Of Their Own Under The Bus........

Today, under pressure from his own Party, (who is under pressure from Mitch MCconnell, Donald Trump), and the other Republican Puppets who are following him to the detriment of this country); Democrats forced one of the strongest and most effective opponents of the Trump Administration's Criminal Enterprises to resign.

This is a major win for Donald Trump, The Republican Senate and the Republican House.

It is also a brick out of the wall that should be protecting this country from the Criminal and Treasonous activities of the Trump Administration.

Now I don't know if the most recent allegations against Senator Al Franken are valid or not.

And now I guess we will never know, because the Democratic Party chose to become Judge, Jury and Executioner by not allowing the Ethics Committee to investigate and get to the bottom of the allegations.

In other words, just like they treated John Conyers last week and this week, that is the same way they treated Al Franken this week, by convicting him and forcing him to resign without Due Process.

Once again! Let me state emphatically that Sexual Assault, Sexual Abuse,Sexual Slander, Rape and Petifelia should never be acceptable under any circumstances either socially or professionally.

However, my question to the Weak Ass Democratic Leadership is: Why is it that when the Republicans speak and say "Jump", yawl say "How High?".

Have Weak Leaders in the Democratic Party turned over control of the party to Republicans?

Because it seems like whenever Right Wing Talking Heads, or Right Wing Lug Nuts like Steve Bannon, Mitch MCconnell, Donald Trump and others tell you to destroy one or more of your own, yawl jump right to it without resistance, a fight, opposition or a Fair and Impartial Hearing.

If Conyers and Franken were given fair ethics hearing by the Democratic Party, and the result turned out to be unfavorable to either one or both of these Democrats, then at least the base would have the comfort in knowing that the decision was Fair and Justified and made by Democrats instead of Republicans.

But as it stands, I hope that the Democratic Leadership realizes that Republicans are attacking Democrats for offenses that are nowhere near as Severe and Criminal as the ones that they have and continue to commit, and in effect, they are literally weakening and destroying the party to make it ineffective in 2018 and 2020.

Of course I acknowledge the fact that no matter how trivial the matter might seem to me or someone else, it is not trivial to the victims of the offenses.

But when you have the victims saying that they forgive the offender for making a mistake because they acknowledge the fact that we are all human, or that they have settled the matter through litigation, and the Democrats can't even take that into consideration for launching a Legitimate Ethics Investigation, then it would appear that, not only is Trump corrupting the Republican Party and Normal Standards and Practices, but he is also corrupting the Democrats and making them complicit in his scheme to destroy this country for Vladimir Putin, so he can then come in and take whatever is left.

And anyone in any party that does not recognize that this is what Trump, His Family, His Cabinet and all the other Greedy, Lying, Hateful Racists who associate with him are really about, are blind.

Finally, no one wants to stand up and fight for and give financial support to a party that will not stand up and fight for itself-that is a losing battle.

So unless and until, we on the left see some king of Spine, Tenacity and Power to fight against the Right Wing Hate Machine in America, I don't think that the Democratic Party is going to garner the kind of support, (financial and otherwise), that it needs to take back the House, the Senate and the White House between 2018 and 2020.

I truly hope that the Democratic Leadership changes direction or is replaced by those who can.

So that we can continue the hard fought progress that was made by our Ancestors, Fore Parents, Grandparents and Parents over the last 500 + years; assisted by White People and other people of Conscious that knew and know what's just and what is unjust.

That takes Power, Courage and Strength; which are characteristics that the current Democratic Leadership is not exhibiting.

If we hope to win in 2018 and 2020, Democrats had better get their shit together now!

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Democrats Throw Their (Accused) Under The Bus While Republicans Make Their (Convicted) President......

First of all let me make it perfectly clear that Sexual Assault, Sexual Abuse,Sexual Slander, Rape and Petifelia should never be acceptable under any circumstances either socially or professionally.

But what is also not acceptable is Weak Ass Democratic Leaders who continuously yield to pressure from Right Wing Lug Nuts; like the pressure that Nancy Pelosi and other members of the Democratic "Leadership" yielded to in the matter or John Conyers.

John Conyers was asked to resign as a result of past indiscretions that were settled through litigation for which the claimant was awarded damages.

That matter was already settled, and it should have been left alone by the Democratic Party, just like the issues are being left alone concerning Al Franken.

On "Meet The Press" on Sunday, Madam Speaker, Pelosi was perfectly content to allow the Allegations against Congressman Conyers to be settled by Due Process.

This is what Congress is supposed to be about-Procedure.

However, after some very Hypocritical Attacks from The Right, Nancy Pelosi along with some other Weak Democrats caved into Republican Pressure and allowed the Republican Party, (who is now the party of White Nationalist, Violent Racists, Fake Ass Christians, Sexists, War Mongers, Greed Infested Politicians, Liars, Traitors, Sexual Assaulters and Child Molesters), including the Admitted Groper In Chief, who was accused of raping a 15 year old girl along with a group of other animals prior to being allowed to become president; decided to pass judgement on the Democratic Party's Dirt while using a Jedi Mind Trick to take the nation's attention off of their dirt.

And once again!

The Weak Ass Democratic Party fell for it, by throwing one of their own under the bus without Due Process.

So is it any wonder how Republicans continously best us at every turn; which forces the party to disappoint its base time and time again and place it in danger of destruction because of their weakness and their insistence on being good as opposed to being effective?

I have recognized the fact that not only does the Democratic Party throw its own under the bus for committing far lesser acts of corruption than Republicans/Conservatives do.

But our Media Outlets do the same as well, by firing valuable journalists and commentators because the Right Wing Idiots on other networks tell them to.

And with all of the degrees and letters following these people's names and all the titles preceding these people's names; and all of the Million Dollar Educations they have, they don't even recognize the fact that the reason the Conservative Hate Movement in America continues to attack us and our institutions successfully, is because they know that they can, and they know that our institutions, (Political, Media and Otherwise), will not stand up for us because they are too weak and afraid of them to do so.

Sam Seder Fired From MSNBC Because Of An Old Tweet

After Mike Cernovich -- a pro-Trump provocateur complained about the Tweet that was Tweeted before Seder even became an employee at MSNBC.

Joy Reid Under Attack From The Right.

Also be mindful of the fact that because of Decade Old Homophobic Statements made in Blogs Written by Joy Reid 10 years ago; she is also under attack.

Please pay close attention to MSNBC and what happens next with "AM Joy".

All Leftists, Democrats, Liberals, Progressives and whatever else you may call yourselves need to wake up and realize that when Sharks Smell Blood, they attack.

So we should not be cutting each other's throats. We should be protecting one another, because their is strength in numbers.

In the meantime, while Democrats are trying to be the Morality Police of Politics, the Republicans are protecting an Invalid, Proven, Treasonous, Racist, Mentally Imbalanced Idiot with a known history of Sexual Assault as president, and trying to elevate a Child Molester from a local Judge to the United States Senate.


Because they can.

Because you let them.

And, unless and until we get some New, Young, Radical, "Winner Take All" Blood in the Democratic Party, the Republicans are preparing to whip the shit out of Democrats in 2018, 2020 and beyond-Again!

Now you can continue to ignore me and people like me if you want to.

And you can continue to not accept my donations, because their is a long letter attached telling you all about yourselves and your weaknesses and how they are adversely affecting us and the country as a whole, but I will tell you this:

Because I know you got it.

If you can't get tough for us, (your base who supports and votes for you), then when the Democratic Party becomes obsolete, (which is what the Republican Party is trying to make it), (which is what the Democratic Party should be trying to do to Republicans), then none of you will have your High Paying, High Profile Cushy Jobs anymore.

So if you are not motivated by concern for us, then at least show some damn concern for your paycheck.

If you want to win in 2018 and 2020 and beyond,(and for the country's sake, I hope you do); this Candy Apple Ass Attitude of Self Righteousness and Endless Kindness is not going to get it done.

You cannot stop bullets with a Peace Sign.

And you cannot stop Demons by being sweet, kind and honest with them.

And you certainly cannot beat them if you are going to keep throwing your own members off the team without even following procedure.

You have to match them Blow for Blow.

So tell me-Who is in control of the Democratic Party?

Democrats or Republicans?

If the answer is Democrats-I can't tell.

For me and people like me to have Peace of Mind heading into 2018 and 2020, we need to know that Democrats control the Democratic Party alone.

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement To Impeach Donald J. Trump.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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