Thursday, June 15, 2017

REAL TALK About The GOP Shooting Yesterday

First thing I want to say is that I am not going to sit here and make pretend that I am shocked by the violent act that took place against members of the Republican Party who were practicing their baseball skill for a charity event, (which takes place tonight), that features Republicans VS Democrats in a softball game for charity.

It's supposed to be a show of Bipartisanship and Congeniality for a worthy cause.

And that is all well and good.

But having all of this Bipartisanship and Congeniality just during a softball game is not enough. I think that these qualities should be present at all times when you are a leader of the most powerful country on earth.

This should be practiced at all times, (especially) at these people's workplaces which are places where decisions are made that affect Black, White, Brown, Yellow, Red, Rich and Poor People.

Because these are the same people who did not show President Obama any kind of Bipartisanship or Congeniality for the worthy cause of fixing as many of America's problems as possible.

No! These people made a decision based on Hatred & Racism to "Do Nothing", to sabotage the First African American President, even to the detriment of the country.

And this consideration should also be applied when they are making decisions that will cost 24 million or more people their healthcare which could cost them and their families their lives.

Or, when they ARE passing legislation that puts a foot on the necks of people who are already struggling just to survive, just so they can continue their standard practice of treating the rich like human beings and treating everyone else like shit.

In addition, when Politicians from all sides say what "The American People" want, don't want and need-who are they talking about?

It seems to me, (especially on the Republican Side), are very selective in their references to "The American People".

And Republicans need to stop lying and playing games with "False Equivalencies".

The Democratic Party has not been taken over by White Nationalist, White Supremacists and Racists.

So it is not both parties

It's the Republican Party that has the majority of Racism in its ranks.

Yes we do have Racism in our party as well, like we have Racism everywhere else in America.

But the Republican Party of modern times has always had a Racist, Hateful attitude towards people of color and people with limited means.

Its why they are so accepting and comfortable with singing the praises of a president like Donald J. Trump who has a history or Racism, Hatred, Lying, Cheating People and Committing Sexual Offenses; as well as a Generational Hatred towards people who are not White.

And since he is the leader of the Republican Party-tell me what that says about the Republican Party?.

Next I just want to say that the violence that took place against the members of the GOP yesterday was not a singular event in and of itself.

It was just one of many of thousands of links in a chain that has existed in this country since it was forcibly taken by violence against the indigenous people of this country and other nations such as Africa.

You see! As much as certain people like to dress up the "Ugly Truth" about America's Origins with flags, edited anthems and fake history lessons; and those who love to deny it-the fact is that America was founded on violence against people who were classified as different, inferior, dirty, evil savages and stupid animals compared to those who proudly took this country, called it their own and then forcibly brought people here from Africa to build the country up as well as slaves from other nations and then continued to treat them like inferior, dirty, evil savages and stupid animals long after slaver was supposedly over, which is exactly what is still going on today.

And how did they do all of these evil things?

And how are they continuing to do these evil things to this day?


So, unless and until we stop making pretend that each and every violent act like the one yesterday is just a singular event instead of part of a much larger and consistent problem, then the violence will continue on all sides of the political fence and lives will continue to be loss.


Because it is Human Nature for people who are victims of Violence, Injustice, Inequality, Oppression; or those whose Freedoms are being threatened to respond with violence.

Now I don't recall any kind of sympathy or consideration for our Black People and members of other Minority Communities who have been Murdered by Police Departments across the country and sanctioned by law makers who refuse to put safety measures in place that will minimize or eliminate these types of unnecessary murders.

Do you?

And I have never heard Republicans stand up on the floor and say "An attack against one of us is an attack against all of us."

Have you?

As a matter of fact, the Trump Administration and Jeff Session's Department of Justice has called for even more slaughter of people in "Urban Areas" who are already safely subdued with chains and no longer a threat to law enforcement officers.

He also wants to lock up people and throw away the key, instead of working towards turning offenders into contributing citizens to their communities and country.

So always remember that unlike the "Good Ole Days" known as Slavery when people had little to no power........Like Attracts Like.

It is also important to note that when certain people feel invincible and invulnerable, it encourages them to commit acts against humanity that they would not otherwise do, if they did not feel that they could do anything that they want to do and hurt anybody that they want to hurt with impunity.

This is why all Americans and other Human Beings in this country should be treated like Human Beings instead of Animals, so they won't respond like Animals.

And it should not take an attack of the magnitude that occurred yesterday or the attacks that continue against people of color in this country.

And one more thing, to see the very person who has inspired this HATRED, RACISM & Violence come out to condemn it is really a joke, and is hypocritical as hell.

I'm talking about Donald Trump, the Leader of the Republican Party in case you didn't know.

He is dividing and destroying this country from the inside out, and from the outside in, (meaning Russia), and needs to be removed from the White House ASAP.

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