Monday, November 7, 2016

Dare To Compare

Donald Trump On Immigration

Donald Trump on Taxes

Donald Trump on the Economy

Donald Trump's Positions

Analysis of Donald Trump's Tax Plan

Hillary Clinton's 5 Point Plan

Hillary Clinton's Plan to help College Students

Analysis of Hillary Clinton's Tax Plan


Clinton Cleared of Criminal Charges over emails Again by the FBI-11/06/2016

We didn't need to add any commentary here. We just let "The Donald" speak for himself.

We just don't have enough time and space to describe everything that Donald Trump has said and done that would prove detrimental to so many people in America. But unless you have been hiding under a rock during this entire 2016 Campaign, I am sure that you have seen or heard the stories.

And every since FBI Director, James Comey's violation of the law, when he released vague and incomplete information to congress and to the public in reference to Hillary Clinton's emails again, (thus doing irreparable damage to her campaign); Donald Trump has been running all over the country trying to drum up votes by telling people how much Hillary will be tied up in court proceedings and other legal battles up to and including Impeachment; while leaving out the fact that the only one who will be in court for an extended period of time after the election is him-Beginning with his trial on the Scam we know now as Trump University.

But he wouldn't tell his Trumpites that.

Donald Trump's Pending Lawsuits

One final TRUTH about the Election and People in General:

No matter who is elected tomorrow, they will not be "Perfect" or "Divine", nor will they be able to make your life everything you want it to be.

That is your job.

Its so ridiculous to hear people talk as if the President of the United States is a Magic Bullet that will make them Rich, make them Beautiful, make them Happy, make them Healthy, make them Successful or single handedly Raise up an Entire Race of People.


Even though the new President won't be able to do all the things listed above for you; if you choose the wrong person for president, (he or she), can definitely implement policies on a national level that could hurt your ability to get these and other things done for yourself.

There are so many things wrong with America today, including Racial Discrimination, Police Brutality, Income Inequality, Skyrocketing Medical Costs, Skyrocketing College Cost, Terrorist Threats, (Foreign and also Domestic), and so many other things that can hinder our progress or endanger our lives-that it makes it worth your while to give this choice your serious consideration.

Hatred, Racism, Greed, Lies and Destructive Rhetoric and Violence just for the sake of Violence; will not solve our problems. But these things will surely make them worst.

So please join us in Voting for the best possible candidates, (Up and down the ticket), based on knowledge and facts for your sake, your family's sake, your community's sake, and for the sake of the country .

Vote to move forward on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, by voting for Hillary Clinton for President and for all Democratic Down Ballot Candidates.


I Will Vote.Com

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