Tuesday, August 2, 2016

So Donald; If You Become President Will You Make Sexual Harassment Laws Obsolete?

So let me get this straight Donald's: If Ivanka Trump, (your daughter Sr.), and (your sister Jr.), were being Sexually Harassed on her job, she should just quit her job and find another one, and the perpetrator should be left alone to continue harassing new women who follow her?

Well! correct me if I'm wrong; but doesn't Ivanka have a father who is a Billionaire who could give her a job or buy her a company, and who also has provided her with stocks, bonds, savings, real estate and a trust fund,etc?

That applies to you too JR. But At least you had enough sense to say it should be taken to H.R.

But you Donald are so out of touch with the so called Average Struggling People that you have sworn to protect and serve that I have to tell you the facts.

The majority of women in this country do not have the same advantages and options that your children have.

So FYI, Average Women who may be single mothers or even working housewives do not have the option to just up and quit every job where assholes like you feel that you have a God Given Right to say, do and touch a Female Employee in any manner that you desire without any consequences.

That is why they passed Sexual Harassment Laws in this country and in other countries around the world.

So that women can continue to earn a living without being bothered by Idiotic Men, (like you), who cannot take no for an answer.

So am I right in assuming Donald, that if you are elected to the White-house as president, you will make America's Sexual Harassment Laws obsolete which will allow you and people like you to harass women at your whim until the woman just can't take it anymore because they have no protection and they just have to quit and find another job?

I don't think that there are any sensible, reasonable and intelligent women who plan to allow that to happen, and very few decent men too who do not want to return to the Stone ages.

So once again!

You appear to be so STUPID and Disconnected to real people.

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