Tuesday, July 12, 2016

No! Were Not Going To Ignore Unjustified Murders Committed By Police

Neither are we going to ignore the Unjustified Murders committed against Police.

First and foremost, I offer my sincere prayers and condolences to all those who have lost loved ones as a result of violence in this country.

That includes the policeman who lost their lives at the hands of a violent person, as well as those who lost their lives as a result of violent policeman.

If this is truly the America that we all claim it to be; then this must apply to all of America's Citizens.

I am normally not at a lost for words when it comes to America's Social Ills and Evil Deeds-Past, Present and Future.

There were so many killings of Black Man by Police within a 24 hour period; (yes! 1 is too many but 2 is Ridiculous), that many Black People who have been following this trend of Murdering Unarmed Black Men and Woman, or those who have already been rendered powerless and under control by "Law Enforcement", as well as those who have already been arrested and handcuffed, and even the Suspicious Deaths of people who were already under arrest and in jail, that it made so many Black People say I am tired of being told to be Calm and remain Peaceful.

I immediately spoke out about the 2 Black Men who were Murdered in Cold Blood without hesitation, because I have seen too many damn Black Men Murdered by Policeman with Impunity

Then just when those of us who were paying attention thought that we were in for a lull in the Murderous Activities of Policeman, the tables turned in Dallas Texas where 14 Police Officers were shot.

5 of those 14 were killed.

That is when I found myself speechless because I did not want to offend the families, friends and co-workers of the officers who were wounded and killed.

But yet, I knew that there was a reason that these policeman were murdered, but I didn't know quite how to put it.

That is until I heard D.L. Hugley say the following words: "I am saddened, but I am not shocked".

It took D. L. to put me in touch with how I was feeling about the wounding and deaths of these 14 officers.

I don't believe in committing Acts of Violence against anyone who is not committing Acts of Violence against me, and that includes Police Officers.

However, if you are committing Acts of Violence against me, I do believe in doing everything within my power to commit Acts of Violence against you, and that too includes Police Officers.

But the Law of Averages were at play here.

I've said it so many times that I am getting sick of saying it: "Do not continue to ask us to remain Calm & Peaceful while we are being slaughtered by policeman who ultimately don't pay a price for the lives that they take unnecessarily and unjustifiably".

I am not talking about the very rare occasions when justice is done and the police officer is Tried, Convicted and Jailed for their crimes.

That is the exception and not the rule.

I am talking about what happens the majority of the time.

They get away with Murder.

So even though there are many people who are still in denial about the fact that Racism, Hatred and Violence in America against Black People are as REAL now as they were during Slavery;(except now it is being implemented with more sophistication and slight of hand); a breaking point for Black People across the country was eminent.

In addition, the Natural Human Response to Racism, Hatred and Violence is more Racism, Hatred and Violence.

And the continued denial of mainly White Americans, and some Disconnected Black Americans will not only not fix the problems; but they will actually become much worse.

That is why the incident in Dallas occurred, and that is why more people will continue to die, until and unless everyone-including Murderous Cops are Tried by an Independent Prosecutor, (Not Frank down the hall), and that the Federal Government implements Federal Laws over states just like they had to do to Desegregate the South and to investigate and recover the bodies of 4 Murdered Civil Rights Leaders who were Murdered with the Assistance, Permission and Blessings of the local police in Mississippi back in the early 60's.

You cannot count on "State's Rights" to correct this now, no more than you could count on "State's Rights" back then to curtail the number of Rapes, Cross Burning's , Human Burning's and Murders of Black Woman, Children and Men.

The only solution to this problem is to make real the words that as of now are just words written on paper about America without meaning: "Equal Justice Under the Law".

This; like so many of the other worthy words written in the so called "Sacred Document of America" are just that-words written on paper-Inspirational Concepts that are far from being reality.

For all the Politicians who are unrealistically saying: "We've got to talk to one another", "We've got to love one another", "We've got to have this discussion about Race"-including you President Obama .

And make no mistake about it-I love you as a President, Man and a Human Being.

But, people just don't function that way.

Nobody can make a White Person Love a Black Person or Visa Versa.

However, Effective National Laws that apply to everyone, (including Police Officers who join the force just to hunt and kill Black Prey), and those who unjustifiably kill Innocent Policeman or any other Human Being for that matter, can minimize the problems that we are having with Race Relations and Violence in our country.

The only way to make our country more peaceful in this current Hateful and Racists Environment is to make sure that those who take lives for no Justifiable Reason know that they will suffer the consequences for taking those lives.

These consequences must apply to Average American Citizens and cannot exclude Dirty, Hateful, Racists Policeman who kill Human Beings just because they can.

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